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Absender: Dr H Schenker
Galtür, Tirol

An: H. Prof. M. Violin
Woldsenweg 3 {verso}


Fl! 1

An jedem Abend, wenn die Post [?einfährt], laufen wir zum Fenster oder zur Thüre, aber unser Fl. ist – nicht da! Gib'ein Zeichen von dir, bitte. Kannst du wegen Karli, wegen Fanny, wegen der Valuta nicht weg? Mußtest du den Plan ändern, wider Willen, oder wußtest du ein besseres? Wenn ich frage, so nur, um zu erfahren, ob nicht irgendwelche unangenehme, oder besser: welche was für unangenehme Erlebnisse dich betroffen haben mögen, u. nicht, um dir Flügel zu geben, wenn sie vielleicht unangebracht sind. Wir haben hier herrliche Tage, nur getrübt durch die Schauernachrichten aus Deutschland. Ich muß allen Kräftevorrat aufbieten, um den Schmerz mir mindestens soweit fernzuhalten, daß er nur nicht noch mehr [in left margin, written sideways, including valediction and signature:] schadet, als er schon geschadet hat. Laß also hören.

Wir grüßen dich u. die deinigen aufs herzlichtste
[signed:] Dein HS

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2011


From: Dr. H. Schenker,
Galtür, Tyrol

To: Prof. M. Violin,
Woldsenweg 3 {verso}

August 9

Floriz, 1

Every evening, as the post[-wagon] arrives, we run to the window or door, but our Floriz is – not there. Please send a sign of yourself. Can you not get away on account of Karli, on account of Fanny, on account of the currency exchange? Are you going to have to change your plans against your will, or have you got something better in mind? If I ask, it is only in order to find out whether something unpleasant – or rather: what kind of unpleasant experiences you may have run into, and not in order to give you the means to escape, if perhaps that would be inappropriate. We have been having glorious days, here, disturbed only by the dreadful news from Germany. I must summon up all my reserves of strength so as protect myself at least as far as possible from the pain, so that it does not [in left margin, written sideways, including valediction and signature:] harm me more than it already has done. So let us hear from you.

We send most cordial greetings
from the two of us to the five of you,
[signed:] Your HS

© Translation William Drabkin, 2011


Absender: Dr H Schenker
Galtür, Tirol

An: H. Prof. M. Violin
Woldsenweg 3 {verso}


Fl! 1

An jedem Abend, wenn die Post [?einfährt], laufen wir zum Fenster oder zur Thüre, aber unser Fl. ist – nicht da! Gib'ein Zeichen von dir, bitte. Kannst du wegen Karli, wegen Fanny, wegen der Valuta nicht weg? Mußtest du den Plan ändern, wider Willen, oder wußtest du ein besseres? Wenn ich frage, so nur, um zu erfahren, ob nicht irgendwelche unangenehme, oder besser: welche was für unangenehme Erlebnisse dich betroffen haben mögen, u. nicht, um dir Flügel zu geben, wenn sie vielleicht unangebracht sind. Wir haben hier herrliche Tage, nur getrübt durch die Schauernachrichten aus Deutschland. Ich muß allen Kräftevorrat aufbieten, um den Schmerz mir mindestens soweit fernzuhalten, daß er nur nicht noch mehr [in left margin, written sideways, including valediction and signature:] schadet, als er schon geschadet hat. Laß also hören.

Wir grüßen dich u. die deinigen aufs herzlichtste
[signed:] Dein HS

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2011


From: Dr. H. Schenker,
Galtür, Tyrol

To: Prof. M. Violin,
Woldsenweg 3 {verso}

August 9

Floriz, 1

Every evening, as the post[-wagon] arrives, we run to the window or door, but our Floriz is – not there. Please send a sign of yourself. Can you not get away on account of Karli, on account of Fanny, on account of the currency exchange? Are you going to have to change your plans against your will, or have you got something better in mind? If I ask, it is only in order to find out whether something unpleasant – or rather: what kind of unpleasant experiences you may have run into, and not in order to give you the means to escape, if perhaps that would be inappropriate. We have been having glorious days, here, disturbed only by the dreadful news from Germany. I must summon up all my reserves of strength so as protect myself at least as far as possible from the pain, so that it does not [in left margin, written sideways, including valediction and signature:] harm me more than it already has done. So let us hear from you.

We send most cordial greetings
from the two of us to the five of you,
[signed:] Your HS

© Translation William Drabkin, 2011


1 Writing of this postcard is not recorded in Schenker's diary. The year may be inferred from Violin’s lettercard of August 16, 1923 (OJ 14/45, [25]), sent in reply.


printed postcard, holograph addresses recto, holograph message and signature verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2011-08-23
Last updated: 2011-08-23