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H Schenker
III., Reisnerstr. 38

H Prof. A. F. Seligmann
IX, Schwarzspanierstr. 15
[postmark:] || 14 WIEN 1 | –7. VI. 11 –[illeg] | * 4n * ||



Besten Dank für Ihre Leistung vom Samstag. 1 Mündlich erzähle ich Ihnen zu Ihrem Ergötzen, welche prompte Wirkung die Notiz hatte. 2 Ich werde mir Mühe geben, Sie noch vor Ihrer Abreise im Café Imp. zu treffen: Sie erfahren Dinge aus dem „dunkelsten Beamtentum“ Österreichs: — die Briefe Wagner’s an Hornstein 3 waren doch Kabinettsstücke intimster Spitzbuberei – ? Wenn die Welt aber auch nur ahnen wollte, wie sehr die Züge des Charakters auch in seiner Kunst ähnlich anzutreffen sind!

Auf Wiedersehen
[signed:] H Sch

26 Juni 1911

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2022


H. Schenker
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

Prof. A. F. Seligmann
[Vienna] IX, Schwarzspanierstraße 15
[postmark:] || 14 VIENNA 1 | –7. VI. 11 –[illeg] | * 4n * ||


Dear friend,

Many thanks for your service on Saturday. 1 I will tell you in person, for your amusement, what a prompt effect the notice had. 2 I shall make an effort to meet you at the Cafe Imperial before your departure; you will learn of things from the “darkest officialdom” of Austria: — Wagner’s letters to Hornstein 3 were surely showpieces of the most intimate roguery – ? If only, however, the world had an inkling of how much these character traits are similarly to be encountered in his art.

Till we see each other,
[signed:] H. Schenker

June 26, 1911

© Translation William Drabkin, 2022


H Schenker
III., Reisnerstr. 38

H Prof. A. F. Seligmann
IX, Schwarzspanierstr. 15
[postmark:] || 14 WIEN 1 | –7. VI. 11 –[illeg] | * 4n * ||



Besten Dank für Ihre Leistung vom Samstag. 1 Mündlich erzähle ich Ihnen zu Ihrem Ergötzen, welche prompte Wirkung die Notiz hatte. 2 Ich werde mir Mühe geben, Sie noch vor Ihrer Abreise im Café Imp. zu treffen: Sie erfahren Dinge aus dem „dunkelsten Beamtentum“ Österreichs: — die Briefe Wagner’s an Hornstein 3 waren doch Kabinettsstücke intimster Spitzbuberei – ? Wenn die Welt aber auch nur ahnen wollte, wie sehr die Züge des Charakters auch in seiner Kunst ähnlich anzutreffen sind!

Auf Wiedersehen
[signed:] H Sch

26 Juni 1911

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2022


H. Schenker
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

Prof. A. F. Seligmann
[Vienna] IX, Schwarzspanierstraße 15
[postmark:] || 14 VIENNA 1 | –7. VI. 11 –[illeg] | * 4n * ||


Dear friend,

Many thanks for your service on Saturday. 1 I will tell you in person, for your amusement, what a prompt effect the notice had. 2 I shall make an effort to meet you at the Cafe Imperial before your departure; you will learn of things from the “darkest officialdom” of Austria: — Wagner’s letters to Hornstein 3 were surely showpieces of the most intimate roguery – ? If only, however, the world had an inkling of how much these character traits are similarly to be encountered in his art.

Till we see each other,
[signed:] H. Schenker

June 26, 1911

© Translation William Drabkin, 2022


1 In his letter of June 1, 1911 (OJ 14/23, [16]), Seligmann wrote that he had submitted a notice of Schenker’s, which he had lightly revised, to the Neue Freie Presse .

2 Schenker’s diary for the “beginning of June” 1911 reports: “On the 3rd, the Neue freie Presse carries the announcement, and the same day at 10 o'clock Director Bopp's servant appears at my house with the information that "The Director is terribly busy, but will put matters right in two weeks' time." What rude behavior! How unmanly is his cowardly hiding of himself away, and even more pitiful his fear at the newspaper announcement! . . . But I knew immediately that I could expect nothing more of him . . .”. Schenker had still heard nothing by June 23.

3 Robert Freiherr von Hornstein (1833–1890), German composer. Wagner wrote two letters to Hornstein asking for accommodation and financial support while he was working on the Ring ; when Hornstein politely refused, Wagner was unforgiving and later denounced him malevolently in his autobiography. (These letters were published by Hornstein’s son Ferdinand in 1911.)


Printed postcard: holograph sender and recipient addresses, postmark and postage stamp, recto; holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature, verso
Adalbert Franz Seligmann (document date–1945)—Heirs of Adalbert Franz Seligmann (1967–??)—Wienbibliothek im Rathhaus (19??–)
Rights Holder
Heirs or representatives of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
Document deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence(at)mus[dot]cam[dot]ac[dot]uk

Digital version created: 2022-11-25
Last updated: 2012-09-28