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German musicologist and archivist.

Schiedermair taught musicology at the University of Leipzig with Hugo Riemann, then in Berlin with Kretzschmar, later at Marburg University (1906-11), then Bonn, where he taught from 1911 until his retirement in 1945.

Schiedermair published books and articles not only on Beethoven but also on Mozart (his edition of Mozart's letters (1914) formed the basis of Emily Anderson's later edition), and also on the history of opera. Notable is his Der junge Beethoven (Leipzig, 1925), one of the most extensive post-Thayer specialist biographical studies, and the first to investigate the influence of Mozart on the young Beethoven.

Schiedermair and the Beethoven-Archiv

Schiedermair was the instigator of the Beethoven-Archiv in Bonn under the aegis of the Verein Beethoven-Haus, in the Beethoven centenary year, in March 1927 (in the August of which year the Vienna Photogrammarchiv was founded at Schenker's instigation under the leadership of Anthony van Hoboken), Schiedermair served as Director of the Archiv until 1945, during which time it became an international research institute. The Bonn Archiv held Beethoven manuscripts, sketchbooks and early editions, in the original and in photocopy.


  • NGDM2 (2001 and online)
  • MGG
  • website:

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