... right margin at this point with three figures in a column, possibly "40 | 86 [alt from 85?] | 4000". Ich kann mich in diesbezügliche Polemiken mit dem unbekannten Ununterrichteten nicht einlassen und müsste zu meinem Bedauern auf die weiteren ...
... find there is no time left for tea! [...] To Hertzka (letter): supplementary demand.") haben wir erhalten und teilen ihnen höfl. mit, dass Sie im Jahre 1912 nicht K 100.-, sondern K 200.- für die im Jahre 1912 gedruckten 2.000 ExemplareThese figures ...
... figures of Kontrapunkt I, published by J. G. Cotta of Stuttgart. ich gratuliere Ihnen herzlichst zu demselben. In aufrichtiger Hochschätzung Ihr ganz ergebener Hertzka Universal Edition & Co. (Jos. Aibl Publisher & Co.) Leipzig / Sternwartestrasse 1520 ...
... occurring for intentional and particular reasons, but rather for those which will later prove to have been harmless. I cannot also, in the end, figure out which "particular" reasons could have caused the publishers to delay. Fear of Hertzka? Hardly, I think ...
... complimentary gift, which he is able to make as the publisher of your large theoretical writings and your editions of Bach and Beethoven. cued from lower margin in Schenker's hand: Thus the figures given by the printers on February 14, 1925, are confirmed. The ...
... . Nonetheless the demands of the day bid me to be concerned to understand what you mean by 15% of the price of a paperback volume, i.e. how much that would roughly be translated into figures. I cannot work that out, since I do not have any idea of the planned ...
... latest; this amounts to a risk of 153 shillings (included in the figure of 1,425). As soon as D. M. V., which has in the meantime approved the purchase of the paper in Vienna, has accepted the sample sheet of paper (but in white) as suitable for the paper ...
... , and that you request a speedy, detailed discussion. On your last point: since the arrangement of the music examples and their number was frequently changed, it is understandable that the publisher should now ask you about them once again. Figures ...
... use for this wrapper, which will keep the loose illustrations together, the thickness of the fold can, on the other hand, probably be paralyzed. All the more so if it makes the width of this envelope holding the figures smaller, if necessary, than that ...
... the various folded illustrations (called “figures”) would in any event no longer be necessary if the Urlinie booklet is not held together by a seam. Tomay (and the two of us) overlooked the fact that the Urlinie graphs, especially when they take the ...