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A photocopy of this postcard (which is preserved at the New York Public Library) exists in the Oswald Jonas Collection as OJ 5/15a, [4].



Dr H. Schenker
III., Keilgasse 8

An: H. Victor Hammer
in St. Martin i. Innkreis
Ob. Öst.

[postmark:] [illegible]


Verehrter Herr Hammer 1

Tonwille 3 Heft (das schmerzlich zurückgehaltene) ist soeben herausgekommen [cued from bottom margin:] Guttmann, Opernhaus 2 [end cue]: der Verleger hatte die Klugheit, schließlich nachzugeben. 3 Dort finden Sie meinen Standpunkt über die gewisse Frage dargestellt, die wir in Ihrem Atelier angeschnitten haben. 4 Was macht Ihre Schrift? 5 Ist der Verlag schon heraus damit? Ihnen und Ihrer Frau von uns Beiden beste Grüße

[signed:] H Schenker

21. I 1923

© Transcription Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2017



Dr. H. Schenker
Keilgasse 8, [Vienna] III

To: Mr. Victor Hammer
in St. Martin im Innkreis
Upper Austria

[postmark:] [illegible]


Revered Mr. Hammer, 1

The third issue of Tonwille (painfully delayed) has just appeared [cued from bottom margin:] Gutmann, Opera House 2 [end cue]: the publisher finally had the sense to give in. 3 You will find there that I state my position on the particular question we discussed in your studio. 4 How is your monograph doing? 5 Has the publisher finally released it? Best wishes to you and your wife from us both,

[signed:] H. Schenker

January 21, 1923

© Translation Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2017



Dr H. Schenker
III., Keilgasse 8

An: H. Victor Hammer
in St. Martin i. Innkreis
Ob. Öst.

[postmark:] [illegible]


Verehrter Herr Hammer 1

Tonwille 3 Heft (das schmerzlich zurückgehaltene) ist soeben herausgekommen [cued from bottom margin:] Guttmann, Opernhaus 2 [end cue]: der Verleger hatte die Klugheit, schließlich nachzugeben. 3 Dort finden Sie meinen Standpunkt über die gewisse Frage dargestellt, die wir in Ihrem Atelier angeschnitten haben. 4 Was macht Ihre Schrift? 5 Ist der Verlag schon heraus damit? Ihnen und Ihrer Frau von uns Beiden beste Grüße

[signed:] H Schenker

21. I 1923

© Transcription Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2017



Dr. H. Schenker
Keilgasse 8, [Vienna] III

To: Mr. Victor Hammer
in St. Martin im Innkreis
Upper Austria

[postmark:] [illegible]


Revered Mr. Hammer, 1

The third issue of Tonwille (painfully delayed) has just appeared [cued from bottom margin:] Gutmann, Opera House 2 [end cue]: the publisher finally had the sense to give in. 3 You will find there that I state my position on the particular question we discussed in your studio. 4 How is your monograph doing? 5 Has the publisher finally released it? Best wishes to you and your wife from us both,

[signed:] H. Schenker

January 21, 1923

© Translation Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2017


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/4, p. 2491, January 21, 1923: "An Hans Guttmann, Hammer, Floriz, Vrieslander (K.): kündige das 3. Heft an." ("To Hans Guttmann, Hammer, Floriz, Vrieslander (postcards): I announce the third issue.").

2 Albert J. Gutmann was the distributer of Der Tonwille.

3 Der Tonwille, Heft 3, appeared on January 19, 1923, delayed by a dispute with Emil Hertzka over the contents of the "Miscellanea" section (most of it held over from Heft 2).

4 Schenker visited Hammer in his studio on May 31, 1922; see Hammer's letter of May 29, 1922 (OJ 11/36, [6]), Schenker's reply of May 30 (JOB 94-3, [3]), and Hammer's postcard of the same date (OJ 11/36, [7]).

5 Hammer's monograph, referred to as his "Schrift," is mentioned frequently in his correspondence with Schenker; its relation to any of Hammer's published writings is unknown.


printed postcard, holograph sender and recipient addresses recto; holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature verso
Viktor Hammer (document date--1967)--Carolyn Reading Hammer (1967-1992)--New York Public Library (1992-)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; deemed to be in the public domain
Deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence (at) mus (dot) cam (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2018-01-24
Last updated: 2011-02-12