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JOB 94-3, [4] - Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Hammer dated January 21, 1923
A photocopy of this postcard (which is preserved at the New York Public Library) exists in the Oswald Jonas Collection as OJ 5/15a, [4].
⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Dr H. Schenker III., Keilgasse 8 ⇧ An: ⇧ H. Victor Hammer ⇧ in ⇧ St. Martin i. Innkreis Ob. Öst. [postmark:] [illegible] {verso} Verehrter Herr Hammer 1 Tonwille 3 Heft (das schmerzlich zurückgehaltene) ist soeben herausgekommen [cued from bottom margin:] Guttmann, Opernhaus 2 [end cue]: der Verleger hatte die Klugheit, schließlich nachzugeben. 3 Dort finden Sie meinen Standpunkt über die gewisse Frage dargestellt, die wir in Ihrem Atelier angeschnitten haben. 4 Was macht Ihre Schrift? 5 Ist der Verlag schon heraus damit? Ihnen und Ihrer Frau von uns Beiden beste Grüße © Transcription Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2017 |
⇧ Postcard From: ⇧ Dr. H. Schenker Keilgasse 8, [Vienna] III ⇧ To: ⇧ Mr. Victor Hammer ⇧ in ⇧ St. Martin im Innkreis Upper Austria [postmark:] [illegible] {verso} Revered Mr. Hammer, 1 The third issue of Tonwille (painfully delayed) has just appeared [cued from bottom margin:] Gutmann, Opera House 2 [end cue]: the publisher finally had the sense to give in. 3 You will find there that I state my position on the particular question we discussed in your studio. 4 How is your monograph doing? 5 Has the publisher finally released it? Best wishes to you and your wife from us both, © Translation Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2017 |
⇧ Postkarte Absender: ⇧ Dr H. Schenker III., Keilgasse 8 ⇧ An: ⇧ H. Victor Hammer ⇧ in ⇧ St. Martin i. Innkreis Ob. Öst. [postmark:] [illegible] {verso} Verehrter Herr Hammer 1 Tonwille 3 Heft (das schmerzlich zurückgehaltene) ist soeben herausgekommen [cued from bottom margin:] Guttmann, Opernhaus 2 [end cue]: der Verleger hatte die Klugheit, schließlich nachzugeben. 3 Dort finden Sie meinen Standpunkt über die gewisse Frage dargestellt, die wir in Ihrem Atelier angeschnitten haben. 4 Was macht Ihre Schrift? 5 Ist der Verlag schon heraus damit? Ihnen und Ihrer Frau von uns Beiden beste Grüße © Transcription Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2017 |
⇧ Postcard From: ⇧ Dr. H. Schenker Keilgasse 8, [Vienna] III ⇧ To: ⇧ Mr. Victor Hammer ⇧ in ⇧ St. Martin im Innkreis Upper Austria [postmark:] [illegible] {verso} Revered Mr. Hammer, 1 The third issue of Tonwille (painfully delayed) has just appeared [cued from bottom margin:] Gutmann, Opera House 2 [end cue]: the publisher finally had the sense to give in. 3 You will find there that I state my position on the particular question we discussed in your studio. 4 How is your monograph doing? 5 Has the publisher finally released it? Best wishes to you and your wife from us both, © Translation Hedi Siegel & Stephanie Probst, 2017 |
Footnotes1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/4, p. 2491, January 21, 1923: "An Hans Guttmann, Hammer, Floriz, Vrieslander (K.): kündige das 3. Heft an." ("To Hans Guttmann, Hammer, Floriz, Vrieslander (postcards): I announce the third issue."). 2 Albert J. Gutmann was the distributer of Der Tonwille. 3 Der Tonwille, Heft 3, appeared on January 19, 1923, delayed by a dispute with Emil Hertzka over the contents of the "Miscellanea" section (most of it held over from Heft 2). 4 Schenker visited Hammer in his studio on May 31, 1922; see Hammer's letter of May 29, 1922 (OJ 11/36, [6]), Schenker's reply of May 30 (JOB 94-3, [3]), and Hammer's postcard of the same date (OJ 11/36, [7]). 5 Hammer's monograph, referred to as his "Schrift," is mentioned frequently in his correspondence with Schenker; its relation to any of Hammer's published writings is unknown. |
Digital version created: 2018-01-24 |