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OC 18/45 - Handwritten postcard from Josefine Violin to Karpath, dated January 23, 1933
Auf Wunsch meines Schwagers Moriz Violin in Hamburg, erlaube ich mir Ihnen die traurige Mitteilung zu machen, daß sein Sohn Carl in der vergangenen Woche verschieden ist. [written at the top-right corner of the card in Ludwig Karpath's hand:] ⇧ Eine noch geringschätzigere Anrede kennt die Dame nicht. Ich gebe jedem ein Plus des ihm Gebührenden. © Transcription Martin Eybl, 2016 |
At the request of my brother-in-law, Moriz Violin in Hamburg, I take the liberty of conveying to you the sad news that his son Karl has passed away in the last week. [written at the top-right corner of the card in Ludwig Karpath's hand:] ⇧ The lady doesn't know a mode of address any more disrepectful [than this]. I myself give each person a mode of address one notch above what is due to him. © Translation Ian Bent, 2016 |
Auf Wunsch meines Schwagers Moriz Violin in Hamburg, erlaube ich mir Ihnen die traurige Mitteilung zu machen, daß sein Sohn Carl in der vergangenen Woche verschieden ist. [written at the top-right corner of the card in Ludwig Karpath's hand:] ⇧ Eine noch geringschätzigere Anrede kennt die Dame nicht. Ich gebe jedem ein Plus des ihm Gebührenden. © Transcription Martin Eybl, 2016 |
At the request of my brother-in-law, Moriz Violin in Hamburg, I take the liberty of conveying to you the sad news that his son Karl has passed away in the last week. [written at the top-right corner of the card in Ludwig Karpath's hand:] ⇧ The lady doesn't know a mode of address any more disrepectful [than this]. I myself give each person a mode of address one notch above what is due to him. © Translation Ian Bent, 2016 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of this card and writing of a following letter are recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 4/6, p. 3807, January 25, 1933: "Von Karpath eine Karte der Frau Violin mit der Todesanzeige: reklamirt Titulatur! — An Karpath (Br.): s. o." ("From Karpath, a postcard from Mrs. Violin with the announcement of [her nephew's] death: [Karpath] complains about the mode of address! — To Karpath (letter): see above.") Schenker first records hearing this news in his diary for January 23, 1933 (OJ 4/6, p. 3806): "Von Fini Violin (Br.): meldet Karlis Hinscheiden über Floriz‘ Auftrag!" ("From Fini Violin (letter): at Floriz's request, she reports little Karl's passing!"). His letter of condolence to Moriz and Fanny Violin exists at OJ 6/8, [21], January 24, 1933. |
Digital version created: 2016-09-28 |