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[top-left, landscape photograph captioned: "Neumarkt – Steiermark"]

[Absender:] Schenker
Wien, III
Keilgasse 8

[An:] H Prof. M. Violin
Rotenbaum-Chaussee 221

[postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 28.XI.31–9 | [illeg] ||

[For continuation of message from verso, see below]


27. 11. 31

Fl! 1

Was geht bei dir vor?? Wie geht es deinem l. Jungen? 2

Hat der Brief K’s einen Wert gehabt? (Mußt du die Dreck-Angelegenheit wirklich in die Öffentlichkeit bringen?) 3

Die Lage verschärft sich zusehends auch hier, Sektionschef Prüger wurde durch W., Schmidt, Marx usw. [?gespritzt], wie gut das K. nicht zu ihm gegangen ist. Die Akademie hat fast keine Schüler, die in {recto} Berlin auch nicht –, die Lehrer haben die Welt zu schlecht mit Musik bedient, daher allein die Flucht! . .

Viele [continues in left margin, written sideways:] Grüße dir
u. den l. deinigen u. H. v Cube
[signed:] H

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2015


[top-left, landscape photograph captioned: "Neumarkt – Styria"]

[From:] Schenker
Vienna III
Keilgasse 8

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
Rotenbaum-Chaussee 221

[postmark:] || 3 VIENNA 40 | 28.XI.31–9 | [illeg] ||

[For continuation of message from verso, see below]


November 27, 1931

Floriz, 1

What is the news with you?? How is your dear boy? 2

Was K.’s letter useful? (Do you really have to bring this filthy matter into the open?) 3

The situation is becoming increasingly more critical here, too: departmental head Prüger was [?sprayed] by W., Schmidt, Marx, etc.; it's a good thing that K. did not approach him. The Academy is almost entirely without pupils; the one in {recto} Berlin also the same; the teachers have served the world too badly where music is concerned; for this reason alone, the flight! . . .

Many [continues in left margin, written sideways:] greetings to you
and your dear family and Mr. von Cube,
[signed:] H.

© Translation William Drabkin, 2015


[top-left, landscape photograph captioned: "Neumarkt – Steiermark"]

[Absender:] Schenker
Wien, III
Keilgasse 8

[An:] H Prof. M. Violin
Rotenbaum-Chaussee 221

[postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 28.XI.31–9 | [illeg] ||

[For continuation of message from verso, see below]


27. 11. 31

Fl! 1

Was geht bei dir vor?? Wie geht es deinem l. Jungen? 2

Hat der Brief K’s einen Wert gehabt? (Mußt du die Dreck-Angelegenheit wirklich in die Öffentlichkeit bringen?) 3

Die Lage verschärft sich zusehends auch hier, Sektionschef Prüger wurde durch W., Schmidt, Marx usw. [?gespritzt], wie gut das K. nicht zu ihm gegangen ist. Die Akademie hat fast keine Schüler, die in {recto} Berlin auch nicht –, die Lehrer haben die Welt zu schlecht mit Musik bedient, daher allein die Flucht! . .

Viele [continues in left margin, written sideways:] Grüße dir
u. den l. deinigen u. H. v Cube
[signed:] H

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2015


[top-left, landscape photograph captioned: "Neumarkt – Styria"]

[From:] Schenker
Vienna III
Keilgasse 8

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
Rotenbaum-Chaussee 221

[postmark:] || 3 VIENNA 40 | 28.XI.31–9 | [illeg] ||

[For continuation of message from verso, see below]


November 27, 1931

Floriz, 1

What is the news with you?? How is your dear boy? 2

Was K.’s letter useful? (Do you really have to bring this filthy matter into the open?) 3

The situation is becoming increasingly more critical here, too: departmental head Prüger was [?sprayed] by W., Schmidt, Marx, etc.; it's a good thing that K. did not approach him. The Academy is almost entirely without pupils; the one in {recto} Berlin also the same; the teachers have served the world too badly where music is concerned; for this reason alone, the flight! . . .

Many [continues in left margin, written sideways:] greetings to you
and your dear family and Mr. von Cube,
[signed:] H.

© Translation William Drabkin, 2015


1 Writing of this postcard is recorded in Schenker's diary for November 27, 1931: “An Floriz (K.): was geht vor?” (“To Floriz (postcard): what news is there?”).

2 No paragraph-break at this point in the original.

3 No paragraph-break at this point in the original. — By “filthy matter” Schenker may be referring to the contentious issue of the use of the title “Professor” by Violin, as discussed in OJ 6/8, [8], October 23, 1931, and related correspondence, or to strife at the Schenker Institute in Hamburg, as indicated in ÖNB, Mus.Hs. 36390/1, [2], November 4.


Printed picture postcard: printed picture, holograph sender and recipient addresses, message continuation, valediction (continues in left margin, including signature), recto; holograph salutation and message beginning, verso
Rights Holder
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-197?)--University of California, Riverside (197?--)
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk

Digital version created: 2022-03-01
Last updated: 2013-07-04