OC 52/382 Handwritten note by Schenker, dated October 6, 1902
Amount of honorarium
OC 52/392 Handwritten note by Schenker, dated June 20, 1904
Schenker notes down contents of OC 52/391.
OJ 12/48, [1] Handwritten note from Gustav Mahler to Schenker, undated [May 23?, 1907]
Mahler thanks Schenker for his good wishes.
OJ 5/6, [3] Note by Schenker, dated July 5, 1909
Reflection on giving and taking in general and in art
OC 52/390 Handwritten note by Schenker, undated [probably 1909]
Schenker records the refusal of his request for increased honorarium for vol.
II of Handel Organ Concertos, maintaining that his work comstituted more that mere
OC 52/436 Handwritten note by Schenker, undated [late October, 1912?]
Self-reminder that the requested "supplementary honorarium" of 400 Kronen has
not yet been delivered.
OJ 12/9, [18] Handwritten letter from Karpath to Schenker, dated February 7, 1916
Karpath informs Schenker that the latter is expected by Dr. Kammerer the
following day, before Kammerer addresses the court.
OJ 15/5, [5] Handwritten note from Eberhard von Waechter to Schenker, dated October 11,
Waechter regrets Schenker's refusal to agree to write articles for Der Merker,
and expresses doubts about his "prophetic zeal."
OC 54/40 Handwritten note by Schenker, dated November 4, 1925
Reminds about proofs.
OC 54/192 Notes by Schenker, made in November 1925
Notes concerning the production schedule for the first Meisterwerk
OC 52/546 Handwritten note by Schenker, dated October 10, 1926
Main points of WSLB 371.
OJ 11/54, [11] Handwritten note from Annamarie van Hoboken to Jeanette Schenker, dated January 20,
Mrs van Hoboken thanks Jeanette for her invitation, and will come on January
OC 54/195 Handwritten note with address of Georg Tomay
Address of Georg Tomay.
OC 54/306 Handwritten receipt from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 21, 1930
Receipt for the text of Schenker’s study of the Eroica Symphony, [which Deutsch
was to take to the printers for an estimate of the production costs].
OJ 15/22, [9] Handwritten note from Willfort to Schenker, dated January 1, 1935
New Year greetings and thanks.
OJ 12/17, [10] Handwritten note from Komorn to Jeanette Schenker, dated January 18, 1935
Mrs. Komorn sends condolences to Jeanette, and pays tribute to