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[All in a decorated rule-frame]

[Absender:] H Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

[An:] H. Prof. M. Violin
XIV, Sechshauserstr 126

[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 19 | -9.IX.11 [illeg] | * 3a * ||
[For continuation of the recto, see below]

Fl !

[first paragraph indecipherable]

Lebenszeichen von dir [?ausgeschloßen], [illeg. word] konnte ich doch auch nicht nach Schönbrunn, weil ich nicht wußte, ob du dort u.s.w. Ist nicht übrigens ein Brief aus Leitmeritz 1 an deine Adresse gekommen? Lie-lie hat durch bösen Zufall ihr schönes Zimmer in der Reisnerstr. 27 2 eingebüßt. Daher aber in der Jaquingasse I, 1St, Th. 8 3 ein anderes Zimmer bereits bezogen, das sehr hübsch ist u. allen Anforderungen entspricht. Wenn ein Brief gekommen, so sende ihn express an mich, denn er enthält möglicherweise sehr wichtige Aufschlüsse!!

Gruß an dir, Olli u. der Fanny
[signed:] H
8. 9. 11


[message in Jenny Kornfeld's hand indecipherable]

[signed:] Lie-Lie

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2019

[All in a decorated rule-frame]

[From:] H. Schenker
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
[Vienna] XIV, Sechshauserstraße 126

[postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 19 | -9.IX.11 [illeg] | * 3a * ||
[For continuation of the recto, see below]


[first paragraph indecipherable]

In the absence of any signs of life from you, I obviously couldn't come to Schönbrunn because I didn't know whether you were there, etc. Incidentally, has no letter from Leitmeritz 1 been delivered to your address? Through an unpleasant incident, Lie-lie has let her lovely room at Reisnerstraße 27 go. 2 As a consequence, however, she has already taken another room, in the Jaquingasse I, 1st floor, apt 8, 3 that is very attractive and meets all her requirements. If a letter has reached you, please forward it to me express, since it may perhaps contain very important information!!

Greetings to you, Olli, and Fanny
[signed:] H.
September 8, 1911


[message in Jenny Kornfeld's hand indecipherable]

[signed:] Lie-Lie

© Translation Ian Bent, 2019

[All in a decorated rule-frame]

[Absender:] H Schenker
III, Reisnerstr. 38

[An:] H. Prof. M. Violin
XIV, Sechshauserstr 126

[postmark:] || 3/3 WIEN 19 | -9.IX.11 [illeg] | * 3a * ||
[For continuation of the recto, see below]

Fl !

[first paragraph indecipherable]

Lebenszeichen von dir [?ausgeschloßen], [illeg. word] konnte ich doch auch nicht nach Schönbrunn, weil ich nicht wußte, ob du dort u.s.w. Ist nicht übrigens ein Brief aus Leitmeritz 1 an deine Adresse gekommen? Lie-lie hat durch bösen Zufall ihr schönes Zimmer in der Reisnerstr. 27 2 eingebüßt. Daher aber in der Jaquingasse I, 1St, Th. 8 3 ein anderes Zimmer bereits bezogen, das sehr hübsch ist u. allen Anforderungen entspricht. Wenn ein Brief gekommen, so sende ihn express an mich, denn er enthält möglicherweise sehr wichtige Aufschlüsse!!

Gruß an dir, Olli u. der Fanny
[signed:] H
8. 9. 11


[message in Jenny Kornfeld's hand indecipherable]

[signed:] Lie-Lie

© Transcription Ian Bent, 2019

[All in a decorated rule-frame]

[From:] H. Schenker
[Vienna] III, Reisnerstraße 38

[To:] Prof. M. Violin
[Vienna] XIV, Sechshauserstraße 126

[postmark:] || 3/3 VIENNA 19 | -9.IX.11 [illeg] | * 3a * ||
[For continuation of the recto, see below]


[first paragraph indecipherable]

In the absence of any signs of life from you, I obviously couldn't come to Schönbrunn because I didn't know whether you were there, etc. Incidentally, has no letter from Leitmeritz 1 been delivered to your address? Through an unpleasant incident, Lie-lie has let her lovely room at Reisnerstraße 27 go. 2 As a consequence, however, she has already taken another room, in the Jaquingasse I, 1st floor, apt 8, 3 that is very attractive and meets all her requirements. If a letter has reached you, please forward it to me express, since it may perhaps contain very important information!!

Greetings to you, Olli, and Fanny
[signed:] H.
September 8, 1911


[message in Jenny Kornfeld's hand indecipherable]

[signed:] Lie-Lie

© Translation Ian Bent, 2019


1 Probably a letter to Jenny Kornfeld concerning her taxes. Presumably the tax authorities in Leitmeritz had temporarily been given Violin's address (rather than Schenker's, which might have been incriminating) in view of the uncertainty of her own situation as described below.

2 Reisnerstraße 27, built in 1829; in 1905 it was a two-storey building with eleven apartments owned by Franz Klöpfer.

3 Jaquingasse 1, built in 1874; in 1905 it was a three-storey building with twenty apartments owned by Josef Steiner.


printed postcard: holograph sender- and recipient addresses, recto; holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature, verso
Violin, Moriz (document date-1956)--Heirs of Moriz Violin (1956-195?)--University of California, Riverside (195?--)
Heirs of Heinrich Schenker, deemed to be in the public domain
Rights Holder
All reasonable steps have been taken to locate the heirs of Heinrich Schenker. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus[dot]cam[dot]ac[dot]uk

Digital version created: 2020-01-05
Last updated: 2011-06-02