Bukovina [Bukowina]
Documents associated with this entity:
Easternmost crown land of Austria-Hungary from 1775-1918, located south-east of Galicia and east of the Kingdom of Hungary, capital city Czernowitz. In 1919, by the Treaty of St. Germain, Bukovina was recognized as part of Romania. Heavily fought over during World War II, it was absorbed into the Soviet Union after 1945, since the collapse of which, Northern Bukovina, with its capital city, has been part of the Ukraine, Southern Bukovina, including Sereth (Siret), part of Romania.
Bukovina was a multi-ethnic (Ruthenian, Romanian, German, and other), multi-lingual country, of the population of which in 1910 Jews constituted 12.86%.
Schenker's sister Shifre (Sophie), and her husband Salo Guttmann, and their three children, lived in Sereth, Bukovina, until the Russian army invaded in September 1914, then fled to Vienna, returning to Bukovina after World War I, and probably moving in 1939 to Czernowitz, where their daughter Frieda (Schenker's grand-daughter) and family were living. See Guttmann family. In 1941–42, the entire Jewish community of Northern Bukovina was deported to the death camps.
- Wikipedia ("Bukovina," "Cernauti," "Siret")
- Rozenblit, Marsha L., The Jews of Vienna (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1983)
- other websites
- Marko Deisinger and Ian Bent