OJ 6/3, [16] Handwritten letter with envelope from Schenker to Moriz Violin, postmarked August 22,
Schenker writes from Lunz to describe the vacation accommodation available and to
give Moriz and Fanny Violin the alternatives for joining him and the Mayerhofer family.
OJ 11/2, [1] Handwritten letter from Emma Fischer to Schenker, dated February 15, 1923
Baroness Fischer responds to Schenker's plan for distribution of issues of Der
Tonwille by suggesting contacts in the Vienna music schools and professional
OJ 89/2, [4] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated March 16, 1928
Schenker speaks of Hoboken's Photogrammarchiv as a "grand contribution," and of
the work to be done there; reports on a copy of Beethoven Sonata, Op. 90, by Archduke Rudolph. —
He will show Hoboken recent articles by Dahms and Vrieslander, and inquires about Hoboken's
birthday.— Furtwängler may come to Vienna permanently.
OJ 10/3, [203] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated December 12, 1933
Deutsch is sending some ideas for courses at the Vienna Academy to Karl
Kobald, and asks for Schenker’s approval of what he has written. He suggests that a
recording be made of Schenker’s piano playing, to be preserved in the Photogram Archive, or
in the collection of the Austrian National Library. Ernst Fritz Schmid is applying for, and
expects to be given, a post in Graz.
OJ 89/7, [12] Typewritten letter (carbon copy) from Hoboken to Schenker, dated July 31,
Hoboken assures Schenker that he will support him in his work. — He outlines
the restrictions that he has placed on Otto Erich Deutsch, and expresses irritation that
Deutsch has been offered a course at the Vienna Academy. — He is annoyed at the political
views expressed by E. F. Schmid, who has been appointed at the University of