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17. Oktober 1930 Schön.

— Mittags den zweiten Umbruch imprimirt= OC 54/240. — Von Weisse (K.= FS 40/27, [3] expreß): will morgen gegen Abend kommen, bittet den Brief= OJ 11/51, [1] von Hindemith u. meine Antwort= OJ 5/17, [1] einsehen zu dürfen, möchte auch den Aufsatz von Schönberg in der Tonkünstler Ztg. noch einmal sehen; 1 endlich bittet er mich, „einen Blick“ auf Seb. Bachs zweistimmige Invention zu werfen (Esd, No. 5). — An Weisse (K. expreß): erwarte ihn morgen, wenn er nicht Sonntag vormittags zu kommen vorzieht. — Mozio kommt natürlich nicht. — Im Auto zu Fritz, heim in der Straßenbahn; Wege. — Von Mozio (K. expreß): „hoffentlich bestimmt“ nächste Woche. — Von Tomay (Br.= OC 54/215): bittet noch um 203 S.; der ganze Betrag also 903.52 S. — An Mozio (Br. expreß): werde also Montag mit Georg sprechen; das imprimatur habe ich soeben erteilt, nun muß das Geld in 3 Wochen zu mir kommen. — An Deutsch (Br.= WSLB-Hds 191.571): beide Briefe[= OC 54/238 u. = OC 54/239] des Verlags u. meine 2 Beilagen. — Abends an der Invention No. 5.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

October 17, 1930, fair weather.

— At midday, the imprimatur= OC 54/240 given to the second page-proofs. — From Weisse (express postcard= FS 40/27, [3]): he would like to come tomorrow evening, asks if he might see Hindemith's letter= OJ 11/51, [1] and my reply= OJ 5/17, [1]; he would also like to see Schoenberg's article in the Tonkünstler-Zeitung once again; 1 finally, he asks me to have "a look" at a two-part invention by Bach (No. 5, in Eę major). — To Weisse (express postcard): I shall expect him tomorrow, unless he prefers to come on Sunday morning. — Mozio, of course, does not turn up. — By automobile to Fritz, home by streetcar; errands. — From Mozio (express postcard): next week, "I definitely hope so." — From Tomay (letter= OC 54/215): requests a further 203 shillings; the sum thus amounts to 903.52 in total. — To Mozio (express letter): I shall thus speak with Georg on Monday; I have already given the imprimatur, so the money must reach me within three weeks. — To Deutsch (letter= WSLB-Hds 191.571): the two letters[= OC 54/238 and = OC 54/239] from the publishers and my two replies. — In the evening, work on Invention No. 5.

© Translation William Drabkin.

17. Oktober 1930 Schön.

— Mittags den zweiten Umbruch imprimirt= OC 54/240. — Von Weisse (K.= FS 40/27, [3] expreß): will morgen gegen Abend kommen, bittet den Brief= OJ 11/51, [1] von Hindemith u. meine Antwort= OJ 5/17, [1] einsehen zu dürfen, möchte auch den Aufsatz von Schönberg in der Tonkünstler Ztg. noch einmal sehen; 1 endlich bittet er mich, „einen Blick“ auf Seb. Bachs zweistimmige Invention zu werfen (Esd, No. 5). — An Weisse (K. expreß): erwarte ihn morgen, wenn er nicht Sonntag vormittags zu kommen vorzieht. — Mozio kommt natürlich nicht. — Im Auto zu Fritz, heim in der Straßenbahn; Wege. — Von Mozio (K. expreß): „hoffentlich bestimmt“ nächste Woche. — Von Tomay (Br.= OC 54/215): bittet noch um 203 S.; der ganze Betrag also 903.52 S. — An Mozio (Br. expreß): werde also Montag mit Georg sprechen; das imprimatur habe ich soeben erteilt, nun muß das Geld in 3 Wochen zu mir kommen. — An Deutsch (Br.= WSLB-Hds 191.571): beide Briefe[= OC 54/238 u. = OC 54/239] des Verlags u. meine 2 Beilagen. — Abends an der Invention No. 5.

© Transcription Marko Deisinger.

October 17, 1930, fair weather.

— At midday, the imprimatur= OC 54/240 given to the second page-proofs. — From Weisse (express postcard= FS 40/27, [3]): he would like to come tomorrow evening, asks if he might see Hindemith's letter= OJ 11/51, [1] and my reply= OJ 5/17, [1]; he would also like to see Schoenberg's article in the Tonkünstler-Zeitung once again; 1 finally, he asks me to have "a look" at a two-part invention by Bach (No. 5, in Eę major). — To Weisse (express postcard): I shall expect him tomorrow, unless he prefers to come on Sunday morning. — Mozio, of course, does not turn up. — By automobile to Fritz, home by streetcar; errands. — From Mozio (express postcard): next week, "I definitely hope so." — From Tomay (letter= OC 54/215): requests a further 203 shillings; the sum thus amounts to 903.52 in total. — To Mozio (express letter): I shall thus speak with Georg on Monday; I have already given the imprimatur, so the money must reach me within three weeks. — To Deutsch (letter= WSLB-Hds 191.571): the two letters[= OC 54/238 and = OC 54/239] from the publishers and my two replies. — In the evening, work on Invention No. 5.

© Translation William Drabkin.


1 Arnold Schoenberg, "Zur Frage des modernen Kompositionsunterrichtes," Deutsche Tonkünstler-Zeitung, November 5, 1929; Eng. trans. On the Question of Modern Composition Teaching, Style and Idea, trans. Leo Black (London: Faber & Faber, 1975), pp. 373–76.