Elfride (Elfie) von Kiesling (née Maurach)
born Riga, Latvia, 1898; died 1992
Documents associated with this person:
Wife of Hans Richard Emil von Kiesling, daughter-in-law of General Johann von Kiesling, of Santiago, Chile. The couple had three children (names unknown).
Elfride Anna Maurach was born in Riga, Latvia, in 1898. Nothing is otherwise known of her life except that at some point she moved to Santiago in Chile, and that she was a puppeteer. She or her husband was evidently acquainted with Otto Vrieslander, though unaware he was a musician. When Jeanette Schenker travelled to Chile in the summer of 1936, Vrieslander had recommended Jeanette to Elfride, and the latter in turn contacted Jeanette on July 20, inviting her to the Kieslings’ home in Santiago for July 24, and then to their spacious country estate south of Santiago the next day, both of which visits Jeanette recounts vividly in her travel diary. Jeanette invited “Elfie” to her guesthouse for July 30, where the two talked animatedly for three hours; Jeanette remarked: “a spiritual aura flows from the young lady, which touches me greatly.”
- Ian Bent