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OJ 14/8, [7] Handwritten letter from Paul Schiff to Jeanette Schenker, dated November 18, 1925
The Schiff family have heard from their brother Viktor, after a gap of eleven years; he wants to renew contact with the family. Paul will send his sister Viktor’s photograph; he would like a picture of Heinrich.
OJ 14/8, [8] Handwritten letters from Paul & Anna Schiff to Heinrich & Jeanette Schenker, dated November 27[–29], 1925
Paul Schiff thanks Heinrich and Jeanette for the portrait of Heinrich and the photograph of Jeanette which suggests she has hardly aged. He has heard that his brother-in-law [Viktor Schiff] intends to emigrate to Palestine, which he thinks is a great mistake; he will keep them informed if he receives further news.
OJ 14/9, [2] Handwritten letter from Victor Schiff to Paul Schiff, dated December 19, [1925]
After lightly sketching the history of the Jews from farming to trade, Victor Schiff describes in detail his trading life in Bolivia, his settling in Chile, the promptings of his three sons, and his resolve to settle in Palestine (“the land of Israel”). The original letter was preceded and concluded by material in Hebrew not provided in Anna Schiff’s transcription.
OJ 5/38, [23a] Handwritten letter from Heinrich & Jeanette to Wilhelm Schenker, dated “Saturday evening” [December 18, 1926]
In an 8-page letter, Heinrich acknowledges the receipt of his brother’s witty letter, apologizes for not visiting him at the end of the summer. — He continues to complain about the way in which his publishers have treated him. — He has played chamber music with his nephew Georg, a talented musician. — He is sending Wilhelm a book by the German humorist Wilhelm Busch. —Jeanette reports a visit from one of her sisters, the first time she has been with a family member since 1910.
OJ 14/10, [5] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated April 19, 1933
Rosa Weill reports that she has heard nothing of her brother Victor, assuming that he will move to Palestine. —She comments sadly on the death of her sister, Frieda (Glässner), for whose cremation she, Arnold, and Trude travelled to Berlin, and describes in detail Frieda’s deteriorating condition and death. — Lene has moved from Berlin to Prague to continue her medical training — Klara is somewhat improved.
OJ 6/8, [24] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated May 9, 1933
Schenker suggests a possible time for Wolf’s first lesson, and a schedule for him and Miss Weber. He is surprised to hear that Violin is thinking of emigrating to Palestine, and suggests that the Jews there should come to Vienna to study with himself as a “first-class Jew.” Their summer plans are not yet fixed.
OJ 14/10, [10] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Heinrich & Jeanette Schenker, dated November 13, 1933
Rosa Weil incloses a letter from Victor Schiff, commenting on its contents, speculating as to why he has returned from Palestine. — She reports Klara’s present violent condition, remarking on Klara’s husband Oskar’s stoicism. — She describes the family’s recent holiday in Austria. — She admits being musically uneducated.
OJ 14/10, [37] Handwritten letter with envelope from Arnold Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated September 19, 1939
Arnold says that, despite "precipitate" events [in Europe], they are "unmolested." -- He reports the death of Klara Hatschek. -- Paul Schiff is due to visit Palestine.
Diary entry by Schenker for 1 March 1919
Diary entry by Schenker for 2 May 1926
Diary entry by Schenker for 30 April 1928
Diary entry by Schenker for 31 March 1930
Diary entry by Schenker for 15 November 1930