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Viennese radio station, founded in 1924; also its accompanying magazine, Radio-Wien.

Radio Wien was launched on October 1, 1924 as part of a wider national radio network RAVAG under the aegis of which Radio Wien operated until 1938. At first it transmitted from its studios, but after about a year it began making outside broadcasts from an increasing range of locations such as opera and operetta houses, concert and recital halls, theaters and many other types of venues, from other Austrian cities, and abroad.

During World War II the network was incorporated into the German radio system. From April 1945 Radio Wien was relaunched and continues to the present.

Radio Wien and Heinrich Schenker

Heinrich and Jeanette acquired a radio receiver within three weeks of the launching of Radio Wien, taking delivery on October 20, 1924. At first they each had a headset, then after a year they acquired a loudspeaker, making it possible from the later 1920s to invite other people in to join them. They listened to orchestral concerts, opera, light opera, light and popular music, folk music, occasionally to jazz and contemporary music, and plays as well as readings, talks and lectures on a wide range of topics. There are more than 1,000 entries in Schenker’s diaries documenting items heard on the radio, many including critiques.


  • wikipedia "Radio Wien (1924)"
  • Hewlett, Kirstie, "Heinrich Schenker and the Radio," Music Analysis 34/2 (July 2015), 244–64
  • Deisinger, Marko, "Fortschrittliche Technologie im Dienste eines Antimodernisten. Heinrich Schenker und der österreichische Rundfunk," Freie Beiträge zur Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung 2019, ed. Nina Jaeschke and Rebecca Grotjahn (= Musikwissenschaft: Aktuelle Perspektiven. Bericht über die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung 2019 in Paderborn und Detmold, vol. 1), Detmold 2020, pp. 84–93
  • Deisinger, Marko, "Heinrich Schenker, Otto Erich Deutsch and Schubert’s ‘Prize Song’," panel: Heinrich Schenker and Viennese Musical Culture, Royal Musical Association 52nd Annual Conference September 3–5, 2016 [unpublished]
  • Hewlett, Kirstie, "A ‘Quiet Self- Education at the Radio’: Heinrich Schenker and Radio Culture in Interwar Vienna," panel: Heinrich Schenker and Viennese Musical Culture, Royal Musical Association 52nd Annual Conference, September 3–5, 2016 [unpublished]


  • Ian Bent

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