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Pupil of Schenker's from at least as early as January 15, 1912 ‒ probably earlier because this is the first page of Schenker's series of lessonbooks; on the other hand, she does not appear in Schenker's diaries before November 1912. She continued lessons only until June 26, 1913.

Evidently Schenker was acquainted with Miss Newlov's mother, for he sends greetings to her in all three of the surviving letters to Miss Newlov, using the informal term "Frau Mama" rather than "Mutter."

Lesson Studies

In the latter part of the 1911/12 season, Newlov took two one-hour lessons a week, occupying the second slot on Mondays and Thursdays (Otto Vrieslander preceding her on both days, and Angi Elias following her on Mondays). In 1912/13 she again took two lessons a week (now preceded by Sofie Deutsch on both days and followed by Angi Elias on Mondays and Tony Colbert on Thursdays). Throughout this season and a half she attended unfailingly, being marked "absent" on only one occasion.

Through these two seasons she studied polonaises, etudes and waltzes by Chopin. By November 1912 she had covered the “entire collection of etudes,” after which “in place of the etudes” she worked on the Beethoven Fifth Piano Concerto, studying it section by section in detail between December 1912 to March 1913; and from April to June 1913 she worked on the Beethoven Piano Sonata Op. 110. — In August 1913 she asked Schenker if she could move to a single lesson a week, and he refused, after which a rather acrid exchange of letters ensued and she disappeared from the lessonbooks.

Schenker's view of her after that exchange can be conveyed by a diary entry of September 28, 1913 (OJ 1/13, p. 430) upon receipt of a letter from her: The reply of an aristocrat who was caught out attempting to deceive me and therefore suddenly pushed her aristocratic rank to the fore, signing her letter of thanks with yet another forename!! This addition is supposed to form the counterbalance to her agreement in the text that the June lesson fees are not to be paid until – November. The usual trick of liars and swindlers who have been caught out! Mrs. Stirling, too, puffed herself up when I accused her of unspeakable money-grubbiness, with the words: "I am a lady!"

Miss Newlov evidently kept in touch, for diary entries between 1914 and 1920, coming from Italy and the South of France, send greetings, and one from August 1922 refers to a walking stick given to him by her.

Correspondence with Schenker

Three letters survive from Schenker to Miss Newlov. All three are carbon copies of handwritten letters: OC 1A/16-17, 25-26, and 27-29, all from September 1913. Schenker states in OC 1A/25-26 and 27-29 that he has received all her letters and notes and still has them in his possession. However, the diary indicates four letters and a postcard from Newlov, dating from approximately November 21, 1912, July 24, 1913, August 20, 1913, and September 16, 1913, none of which survive among Schenker's papers.


  • Ian Bent

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