OJ 10/3, [98] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated , March 22, 1929
Deutsch sends Schenker a newspaper clipping related to an idea of his
concerning the “League of Nations”.
OJ 10/3, [99] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 27,
Deutsch asks which edition of the Schubert Minuet in B minor he had consulted
when writing an article in Der Kunstwart.
OJ 11/54, [25] Typed letter from Hoboken to Schenker, dated March 27, 1929
Hoboken has broken off his friendship with Otto Vrieslander after discovering
that the latter has been cheating him.
OJ 12/50, [1] Handwritten letter from Bernhard Martin to Schenker, dated March 27, 1929
Bernhard Martin sends Schenker an analytical sketch and a composition study,
for comment. He expresses his gratitude for all that he has learned from his lessons with
OJ 13/25, [5] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated March 7, 1929
Rinn apologizes for the small format in which the autograph of Schubert's
minuet was reproduced for Schenker's article "Eine Rettung der klassischen Musik-Texte." He
has publicized the work, and intends to send copies of it to university music departments
and inform other newspapers and journals of it. He expresses thanks for the efforts that
Schenker made in contributing to Der Kunstwart, and for his remarks on Bruckner's Ninth
OJ 13/25, [6] Typewritten letter from Rinn to Schenker, dated March 22, 1929
Rinn tells Schenker that Alfred Einstein has expressed an interest in
promoting Schenker's work on autograph manuscripts with a notice in the Berliner
OJ 14/45, [76] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schenker, dated March 3, 1929
On the point of departing for the Riviera with his brother-in-law – possibly
via Vienna – Violin asks Schenker to make a quick assessment of his voice-leading reduction
of Bach's first Two-Part Invention, in C major.
OJ 14/45, [77] Handwritten letter from Violin to Schenker, dated March 20, 1929
Violin thanks Schenker for his letter with the voice-leading sketch of Bach's
C major Invention, and for the article from Der Kunstwart on the Photogram Archive. He is
enjoying the climate of Nice, and seems to be getting on well with the French language; a
lady who overheard him playing the piano praised his expressive playing.
OJ 15/15, [37] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, postmarked March 2, 1929
Weisse asks Schenker to postpone a planned visit to the following Sunday, as
there is a Philharmonic Concert this Sunday.
OJ 15/15, [38] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated March 8, 1929
Weisse confirms an invitation to the Schenkers for the following
OJ 5/38, [54] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated March 14,
Schenker asks how Wilhelm is coping with the cold weather and sends him a copy
of his article on textual criticism recently published in Der Kunstwart.
OJ 6/7, [42] Handwritten letter, with envelope, from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated March 7,
In reply to Violin's previous letter, Schenker writes out a graphic analysis
of Bach's Two-Part Invention in C major, and wishes him an enjoyable holiday on the French
OJ 89/3, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated March 28, 1929
Schenker expresses surprise at Vrieslander's "deception" and approves Hoboken's
response to him.
OJ 9/34, [16] Handwritten letter from Cube to Schenker, dated March 26, 1929
Cube is listening by radio to music being performed in Vienna. The two caricatures are his
fellow composition teachers at Duisburg. Reports on his work at Cologne Conservatory: success with previous
lectures, and forthcoming lecture series.