LC ASC 27/45, [3] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated April 17, 1938
Violin tells Schoenberg he expects to obtain an affidavit to emigrate to the
USA, and ask if Schoenberg could write a letter of recommendation for work in San Francisco,
and advise him on possibilities there.
LC ASC 27/45, [4] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated June 11, 1938
Violin seeks an affidavit to emigrate and asks Schoenberg's help in achieving
this. He would like to move to San Francisco.
LC ASC 27/45, [5] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schoenberg, dated August 10, 1938
Violin provides Schenker with details of his wife and
LC ASC 7/50, [1] Typewritten letter (carbon copy) from Schoenberg to Moriz Violin, dated May 2,
Schoenberg reflects on his own relationship with Heinrich Schenker. — He is
willing to write a recommendation to Hertz for Violin and asks to whom to send it, and warns
Violin that it will not be easy to establish himself in San Francisco.
LC ASC 7/50, [2] Typewritten letter (carbon copy) from Schoenberg to Moriz Violin and others, dated
July 30, 1938
Schoenberg notifies Violin and two others that each may receive an affidavit
in the near future [for emigration to the USA].
OJ 10/18, [15] Handwritten letter from Elias to Jeanette Schenker dated February 27,
Mis Elias remarks that theory teachers tend to revert to the teaching of
Ludwig Thuille for fear of Schenker. — She is eagerly awaiting issues 8/9 of Der Dreiklang,
and recommends a radio relay of the St. Matthew Passion.
OJ 10/18, [16] Handwritten postcard from Marianne Kahn and Angi Elias to Jeanette Schenker, dated
April ?3, 1938
Kahn and Elias are well and hope to see Jeanette in Vienna
OJ 10/18, [17] Handwritten postcard from Angi Elias to Jeanette Schenker, dated October 21,
Elias inquires how Jeanette is, and invites her to visit her in Vienna or meet
in the city center.
OJ 10/18, [18] Handwritten calling card from Elias to Jeanette Schenker, undated [December c.28,
Miss Elias sends Jeanette Schenker New Year's greetings for
OJ 12/17, [11] Handwritten postcard from Komorn to Jeanette Schenker, dated May 10, 1938
Mrs. Komorn is delighted to receive a postcard from Jeanette, she tells her of
her current difficulties, and encourages her to come and visit.
OJ 12/6, [48] Handwritten postcard from Jonas to Jeanette Schenker, dated February 17,
Jonas reports on a meeting at UE re: the prospects for a proposed Schenker
edition series and an English translation, and for prospects in the USA.
OJ 14/1, [3] Handwritten postcard from Felix Salzer to Jeanette Schenker, undated [November 5,
Salzer asks if he can visit Jeanette Schenker on Monday or Tuesday.
OJ 70/26, [1] Handwritten letter from Willem Mengelberg to Eva Violin, dated June 23, 1938
Mengelberg is unable to help Moriz and Eva Violin directly in obtaining positions
in America, but encloses a letter of recommendation to Julia Steinway for
OJ 70/35, [5] Handwritten letter from Schoenberg to Moriz Violin, dated December 23,
Schoenberg has asked a rabbi to produce an affidavit, and offers this to
Violin in advance of receiving it.