DLA 69.930/11 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, dated November 2, 1922
Schenker acknowledges receipt of two booklets on youth and the new republic,
returns them, comments on them critically: idealistic German democrats desire maximal
remuneration with minimal work; illustrates point by difficulties with maids in Schenker
household; German democrats naively overestimate social and intellectual status of non-German
commoners (French, British, American); Schenker decries cosmopolitanism and those Germans who
advocate individuality at the expense of society; Schenker praises the fascists as countering
communism and social leveling, compares Mussolini's Italy favorably with present-day
OJ 14/45, [20] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Heinrich Schenker, dated February 6, 1923
Violin thanks Schenker for Tonwille 3 and reports on growing social unrest and
anti-French feeling in Germany.
OJ 11/35, 22 Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated January 22, 1924
Halm checks that Schenker has received a letter and score from him. — He asks
for guidance over Oppel's music.
OJ 6/7, [9] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated October 16, 1924
After thanking Violin for his touching fiftieth-birthday tribute of 1918,
Schenker outlines plans for sending out copies of Der Tonwille: he has drawn up a list, which
Violin is free to edit. Like Violin, he has lost pupils recently, and so wants to concentrate
more on the dissemination of Der Tonwille, with a new publisher.
OJ 6/7, [11] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated November 6, 1924
Schenker has received a photographic reproduction of the opening chorus of Bach's
St Matthew Passion. — Gives account of delays to the publication of Tonwille 8/9 and 10, blaming
Hertzka for being slow to send work to the engraver, and has written to him with a request to
dissolve the Tonwille contract with UE. — Refers to a recent review by (Julius) Korngold, and
recounts a long story about his piano dealer, Bernhard Kohn.
Sbb 55 Nachl. 13, [2] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Furtwängler, dated July 3, 1927
Schenker recommends Oppel's Mass, and commends Anthony van Hoboken to
OJ 11/16, [6] Handwritten letter from Furtwängler to Schenker, dated July 18, 1927
Furtwängler mentions several mutual acquaintances, and hopes to see Schenker in
OJ 6/7, [35] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated August 5, 1927
In a wide-ranging letter, Schenker underscores the importance of his friend's
taking a holiday, and tries to persuade him to visit him in Galtür. There he was visited by
Reinhard Oppel, who has been appointed to a theory post at the Leipzig Conservatory, where
he will teach from Schenker's texts. He comments at length on the decline of society, as
exemplified by the July Revolt. The second Meisterwerk volume has gone to the bookbinders;
until it is published, he will be working on Der freier Satz.
OJ 89/1, [2] Handwritten letter from Schenker to van Hoboken, dated August 12, 1927
Schenker acknowledges van Hoboken's letter, OJ 11/54, 14, dated August 7, 1927;
encloses seven articles; responds regarding Haydn, Furtwängler, the "Appeal" for the
Photogrammarchiv, an exhibition in Frankfurt, John Petrie Dunn, Reinhard Oppel, Das Meisterwerk
in der Musik, vol. II, Otto Erich Deutsch, and an honorarium; and sends best wishes for the
Hobokens' trip to Switzerland, reporting on von Cube.
OJ 89/3, [6] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated August 2, 1929
Schenker has passed the [fee] verdict on to Vrieslander; alludes to Reinhard
Oppel, and advises on the analysis of Brahms Op. 117, No. 1.
OJ 11/54, [26] Typewritten letter from Hoboken to [Reinhard Oppel], dated August 30, 1929
Hoboken advises Oppel on ordering materials from the Photogrammarchiv for study
purposes. — He hopes to see him in Kiel in late September.
OJ 5/38, [60] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated September 8,
Heinrich thanks Wilhelm for the hospitality he and his wife provided and
summarizes what lies immediately ahead in the weeks to come. He also reports on a
composition he received from Reinhard Oppel, and on a lecture on Bach in which Oppel invoked
Schenker’s work.
OJ 89/3, [9] Typewritten letter from Hoboken to Schenker, dated September 15, 1929
Hoboken encloses his analytical study of Brahms's Intermezzo, Op. 117, No. 1,
and raises several technical matters. — He reports on his building project, and responds to
Schenker's refusal, in OJ 89/3, [7], to continue acting as intermediary with Vrieslander. —
He encloses a check for his lesson fee.
OJ 5/7a, [28] (formerly vC 28) Handwritten letter from Schenker to Cube, dated January 12, 1930
Acknowledges OJ 9/34, [20], and gives detailed critique of Cube's analysis of
the C major Prelude from WTC I, including graphs; advises on additional reading and Cube's
plans to publish the analysis.
OC 52/862 Invoice from UE to Schenker, dated October 10, 1930
Invoice for Tonwille sent to the Kiel Hochschule students.
OC 52/864 Typewritten postcard from Alfred Kalmus (UE) to Schenker, dated November 10,
Kalmus reports an inquiry from the Kiel student body.
OJ 5/7a, [33] (formerly vC 33) Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Cube, dated November 10, [1930]
Discusses attendance at Weisse's forthcoming lecture in Berlin; refers to two
articles in Die Musik.
WSLB 423 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to UE, dated November 11, 1930
Schenker confirms the consent he has given to the Kiel student
OC 52/865 Typewritten postcard from Alfred Kalmus (UE) to Schenker, dated November 13,
UE have granted permission to the Kiel student body.
OJ 6/8, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated January 9, 1931
In this long and wide-ranging two-part letter, which includes a graphic
analysis of J. S. Bach’s Two-part Invention in E-flat major, Schenker praises the work of
Hans Weisse, who has recently returned from lecturing in Berlin and may be offered a post
there (on Furtwängler’s recommendation), emigrate to America (with the help of Gerald
Warburg), or even found an institute that would give employment to Felix Salzer and other
Schenkerian disciples under one roof. — A letter from Violin, which has just arrived in the
morning post, speaks of Violin’s own intention to establish a Schenker Institute in Hamburg.
For this, Schenker recommends Felix-Eberhard von Cube (in preference to Reinhard Oppel) and
Otto Vrieslander as possible theory teachers, if not Weisse himself. — The letter concludes
with a tirade against those who have caused him financial misery (including his brother
Mozio), culminating in a cynical passage in which Schenker advises his friend to look after
himself and engage some dull pedagog to teach conventional theory. In the end, he wishes
Violin luck with the enterprise, and thanks him for having helped rescue him from Hertzka’s