OJ 10/1, [78] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated August 23, 1923
Dahms has received Tonwille 4 but not yet examined it. — Has deferred work on
his Haydn book because of financial problems over Musik des Südens and poor take-up of
subscriptions. — Debates whether to attend the Leipzig musicology conference. — Comments on
German politics as the occupation of the Ruhr unfolds, and compares German attitudes with
OJ 14/45, [25] Handwritten lettercard from Moriz Violin to Heinrich Schenker, dated August 16, 1923
Violin cannot come to the Tyrol to visit the Schenkers, on account of the
turmoil in Germany and horrendous currency situation; he will come to Vienna for Christmas, but
only for a few days.
OJ 5/38, [5] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated August 29,
Schenker encourages his brother Wilhelm to join him in the Tyrol next
OJ 8/4, [24] Handwritten postcard from Heinrich Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated August 9,
Concerned that Violin has not arrived in Galtür, Schenker asks him if something
has gone amiss with his plans to visit.