OJ 14/9, [1] Handwritten letter from Victor Schiff to Klara Hatschek, dated October 30,
Victor Schiff sends greetings to Klara Hatschek and the wider Schiff family,
inquiring after Jeanette Schenker, Emil Kornfeld, and their boys. — He reports on himself
and his life first in Bolivia then in Chile. — He intends to migrate to Palestine, and
proclaims his belief in the future of the Jewish people in the land of Israel after 2,000
years of servitude, and its past and future contribution to the world. — In a postscript, he
questions the value generally placed on “success,” and voices his philosophy of
OJ 14/9, [2] Handwritten letter from Victor Schiff to Paul Schiff, dated December 19,
After lightly sketching the history of the Jews from farming to trade, Victor
Schiff describes in detail his trading life in Bolivia, his settling in Chile, the
promptings of his three sons, and his resolve to settle in Palestine (“the land of Israel”).
The original letter was preceded and concluded by material in Hebrew not provided in Anna
Schiff’s transcription.
OJ 14/9, [3] Handwritten letter from Victor Schiff to Jeanette Schenker, dated March 21,
Victor Schiff thanks Jeanette for the invitation to stay with her and
Heinrich; he uses nautical imagery to liken this contact to two ships on different courses,
whose courses happen to cross in mid-ocean. — Victor encloses a photograph of himself. — He
is touched that Jeanette has kept all the letters from him; he himself kept all of hers but
lost them while travelling,
OJ 14/8, [12] Handwritten letter from Paul & Anna Schiff to Heinrich & Jeanette Schenker,
dated June 23, 1926
Paul Schiff sends his thanks for the first Meisterwerk yearbook; he is highly
critical of his brother Viktor’s intention to emigrate to Palestine on grounds of
nationalistic idealism. Anna thinks that her husband and his brother are not all that
dissimilar, despite having different outlooks on life.
OJ 14/10, [10] Handwritten letter from Rosa Weil to Heinrich & Jeanette Schenker, dated
November 13, 1933
Rosa Weil incloses a letter from Victor Schiff, commenting on its contents,
speculating as to why he has returned from Palestine. — She reports Klara’s present violent
condition, remarking on Klara’s husband Oskar’s stoicism. — She describes the family’s
recent holiday in Austria. — She admits being musically uneducated.
OJ 5/18, 59 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Jonas, dated October 16, 1934
Schenker cautions Jonas that he detects "something afoot" with Hoboken and his
wife. — Mentions Hans Wolf's reentry problems and reports on German students coming to him.
—An article on Schenker has been included in Spanish Enciclopedia universale. —Reports on
Zuckerkandl, Breisach, von Cube, and Weisse.
OJ 14/10, [30] Handwritten letter with envelope from Rosa Weil to Jeanette Schenker, dated December
23, 1935
Rosa Weil thanks Jeanette for her letter of sympathy [30.xi.35]; she is
pleased that her new accommodation [Cottagegasse 21] suits her; she wishes her well for
1936, expressing admiration for her plan to travel to Chile, and wonders how well she and
her brother Victor will get on in so greatly changed a world.