WSLB-Hds 95655 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Seligmann, dated August 5, 1916
Schenker explains why he is reluctant to produce a critical edition with
commentary for Beethoven’s Op. 106: he would wear himself out working on it unless he could
be freed from some of his teaching obligations, and also the autograph manuscript and other
sources are missing. He also defends his sharp tongue in discussions of the secondary
literature in his “paradigmatic” works ("Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony" and the critical
editions of the late Beethoven piano sonatas).
OJ 15/15, [19] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated October 7, 1925
Weisse asks Schenker to look at some suitable frames for Hammer's portrait of
him. He reports that several autograph manuscripts of Brahms are being put up for sale, of
which that of the cadenzas Brahms wrote for Beethoven's Fourth Concerto are particularly
interesting. He quotes from a letter by Gerald Warburg, indicating that Schenker's latest
theoretical concepts are being taught at Damrosch's music school in New
OJ 14/5, [29] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated January 14,
Obtaining a mortgage on the Arzberg [investment property] is delayed; Moriz
Schenker is exploring alternative possibilities of selling. -- He inquires as to the
whereabouts of Hoboken. -- He reports that the [economic] situation in Germany is even worse
than in Austria, because of the war reparations.
OJ 14/5, [30] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated February 27,
Moriz Schenker recommends Heinrich to get a second estimate [for the printing
of Meisterwerk III] from Joseph Eberle in addition to that from Waldheim. -- He hopes to get
an appraisal of the Arzberg property next week.
OJ 14/5, [31] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated March 5,
Moriz Schenker again assures Heinrich that his money is safe and will be
returned to him, but the collapse of the building society concerned and its transfer to the
Vienna Creditanstalt is delaying the securing of a mortgage [on the Arzberg property]. --
Moriz is launching, and will be the director of, a finance house for automobiles. -- He
asserts that he is highly regarded [in the finance industry]. -- This letter is heavily
annotated by Heinrich.
OJ 14/5, [32] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated April 30,
Heinrich's payment deadline cannot be met because mortgate formalities are not
complete. Moriz Schenker alludes to the sudden death of Leopold Richtera.
OJ 14/5, [33] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Wilhelm Schenker, dated May 1,
Moriz Schenker writes to his eldest brother Wilhelm about the sudden death of
Leopold Richtera. He forgives Richtera, and wishes a good life for Lisl.
OJ 14/5, [35] Typewritten letter from the Credit Anstalt to Moriz Schenker, dated June 3,
Creditanstalt is ready to consider Moriz Schenker's application for a mortgage
[on the Arzberg property], and asks for the relevant documentation, stating the financial
OJ 14/5, [36] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated June 11,
Moriz Schenker encloses the [June 3] letter from Creditanstalt. He is awaiting
the bank's expert to value [the Arzberg property], and again asks for
OJ 14/5, [37] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated August 8,
Moriz Schenker reports that the mortgage formalities [on the Arzberg
property] will not be completed before August 15. -- He has set up a new company. -- He
reports on his daughter Helga and his son Georg, who is troublesome.
OJ 5/38, [71] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated December 23,
Heinrich sends Wilhelm a copy of his “railroad joke” as published in the third
Meisterwerk yearbook, which he regards as symbolic of his own life. — He has taken legal
action against their brother Mozio in order to be paid the money he had invested with
OJ 5/38, [71a] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, undated, written January 15,
Heinrich tells Wilhelm that his attorney has written to their brother Moriz,
asking him to return to Heinrich the money he invested with him.
OJ 5/38, [74] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated May 3, 1931
Heinrich reports to Wilhelm that his attorney and his brother Moriz’s attorney
have agreed on a plan to pay back the money belonging to Heinrich, with payments beginning
on July 1. He concedes that Moriz has lost his fortune, and that he has done what he can to
regain it.