Herr and Frau Eisenberg
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Young German-Jewish couple (first names unknown), aged 22 and 20 in 1936, whom Jeanette Schenker met during her travels to Chile.
Frau Eisenberg’s parents, Herr and Frau Götz, lived in Santiago. The Eisenberg couple were at the time living with them but planning soon to buy a house. Jeanette and they were fellow-passengers on the transatlantic ship, the Orazio, so met in May 1936, and were then companions to Jeanette during her visit to Santiago, June 3–August 5. They met frequently with her, often ate with her, and helped her to find her way round the city; in return, Jeanette gave them small gifts.
As to their character, Jeanette once remarked in her travel diary “they tire me, are unintelligent. The young husband has a position [working in a shop], at present unpaid – he cannot actually do anything! – it is a trial month” (June 18); but later she described them as “lovely, dear people” (June 23). It was the Eisenbergs who located her brother Victor’s address in the city, and who drove her in a fruitless attempt to find him.
- Ian Bent