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Scottish pianist, theorist, and writer on music.

Career Summary

Dunn studied at Edinburgh University with Friedrich Niecks and later at the Stuttgart Conservatory with Samuel de Lange (theory) and Max von Pauer (piano), and in 1902 joined the teaching faculty there. In 1909 he was appointed to the Kiel Conservatory, first as professor of piano, later as deputy director, but returned to Britain in 1914, serving in the Royal Scots regiment and being wounded in World War I. After the war, he settled in Edinburgh (Scotland), where he worked as piano teacher and concert artist, later teaching music theory at Edinburgh University 1920-31.

His books include Das Geheimnis der Handführung beim Klavierspiel (1914), Ornamentation in the Works of Chopin (London: Novello, 1921), A Student's Guide to Orchestration (London: Novello, 1928), based on his Edinburgh DMus thesis, and The Basis of Pianoforte Playing (London: OUP, 1933), completed posthumously by his wife, Aline Dunn (a native German-speaker). He was killed in a street accident in 1931.

Donald Francis Tovey, in an “appreciation” published February 6, 1931, spoke of his “noble achievements as an artist,” and concluded that in addition to piano he possessed “considerable skill on many other instruments; his knowledge of orchestration was profound and exhaustive; he had an extraordinary knack for giving his pupils a sound grasp of counterpoint; and, in fact, his province was the whole of music.”

Dunn and Schenker

Though never a pupil of Schenker's, Dunn became a disciple of his on the basis of the study of Schenker's writings, and Schenker took pride in the fact that his theory was being taught in Edinburgh. Dunn prepared an abbreviated English translation of Parts III and IV of Schenker's Kontrapunkt 2, and had intended also to translate “Bridges to Free Composition,” all of which remained unpublished.

A verbal portrait of Dunn is presented by Anthony van Hoboken when he visited him in September 1927: OJ 11/54, [18], September 18, 1927. [insert link]

Correspondence and Portraits

There survive a copy of one (draft?) letter from Schenker to Dunn dated July 8, 1928 (OC 30/122-124), five others from Schenker to Dunn that are not known to have survived, eight letters from Dunn to Schenker, 1926-30 (OJ 10/13), and two from Dunn's widow dated 1931 (OJ 10/12), enclosing a clipping and typed German translation of the obituary and Tovey's "appreciation" for Dunn in The Scotsman, February 6, 1931.

Schenker owned two inscribed photographic portraits, one of John, one of John and Aline (OJ 72/4), and a copy of A Student's Guide to Orchestration (OC 2/p. 80); this work contains what is probably the first published translation of an extract from Schenker's writings (taken from the monograph on Beethoven's Ninth Symphony).


  • Federhofer, Hellmut, Heinrich Schenker nach Tagebüchern und Briefen ... (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1985), pp. 102-04
  • Baker's1971
  • Oster Collection Finding List
  • Jonas Memorial Collection catalog


  • William Drabkin and Ian Bent

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