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Daughter of Moriz and Valerie Violin. Genoveva had a brother, Karl.

Life Summary

Despite Moriz Violin's describing her once as a "five-year-old virtuosa" at the piano, Genoveva was not particularly active in music, albeit surrounded by music at home. She is frequently referred to in the correspondence between the Violins and the Schenkers. With the family, she lived first in Vienna, then moved to Hamburg, returning to Vienna in 1933 as the anti-Semitic campaign began in Germany.

The family emigrated to San Francisco c. May 1939, but Genoveva was apparently in the Netherlands at the time and did not join the family in San Francisco until March 1940. She became a dress designer, with her own shop in Los Angeles. She later married, becoming Eva Violin-Windsor, and raised two adopted children (Steven and Diana).


One postcard probably from Genoveva Violin to Heinrich and Jeanette Schenker exists as OJ 14/46, [A], filed with the Fanny Violin correspondence. A letter to her from Willem Mengelberg exists as OJ 70/26, [1], June 23, 1938, in response to an appeal from her for support for her father in America.


  • Family memoir written by Genoveva, information communicated by Professor Irene Schreier-Scott.

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