OJ 9/6, [6] Handwritten letter from Eugen d'Albert to Schenker, dated August 11,
Eugen d'Albert promises his biographical jottings by the end of next
week and reports on progress with his new opera.
OJ 6/6, [5] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Valerie Violin, dated December 30, 1917
In response to the Violins' condolences on the death of his mother, Schenker
reflects sadly on her life and needs between 1890 and the late 1910s, attributing blame largely
to his younger brother Moriz, less to his older brother Wilhelm; — He explains why he and
Jeanette are unable to visit the Violins in the cold and without adequate
OJ 5/38, [1] Handwritten letter from Heinrich Schenker & Jeanette Kornfeld to Wilhelm
Schenker, dated January 24, 1918
Heinrich commiserates with Wilhelm and Dodi over the children havng mumps. --
He discusses the eventuality that Wilhelm and family might decide to leave Kautzen, and
weighs the practicalities of transferring Julia Schenker's grave from Waidhofen to Vienna,
and possible consequences for his own and Jeanette's burials and Moriz Schenker's financial
involvement. -- He also discusses the possibility that Vienna might become too threatening
for Jews; he deplores Viennese people of all ranks for their verbal abuse toward Germany,
and the strikes that are currently taking place in Austria. -- Jeanette adds a
OJ 8/3, [57] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated April 7, 1918
Schenker has implemented the increase in fee, for his pupils, and describes how
intolerable life is in Vienna; -- is trying with dificulty to book summer lodgings; -- reports
Weisse's declining of the invitation to contribute to the Schenker Festschrift; -- he is working
hard on his library.
OJ 14/6, [5] Handwritten letter with envelope from Wilhelm to Jeanette Schenker, dated November
12, 1937
Wilhelm offers Jeanette advice on the treatment of her eyes and gives his
thoughts on the advantages of staying at home rather than travelling
OJ 14/6, [7] Handwritten letter from Wilhelm to Jeanette Schenker, dated November 28,
Wilhelm has found Jeanette’s new address, and he sends her his own new
address, together with a summary of where he had lived previously. He and his wife live in a
much smaller place, but it is sufficient for them.