OJ 11/35, [0] Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, undated, probably November or December
Halm praises Schenker's Erläuterungsausgabe, and asks for a recommendation to
Universal Edition.
OJ 14/1, [5] Handwritten letter from Felix Hupka to Schenker, dated November 18, 1921
Hupka reports on his latest concert, in Munich. Otto Vrieslander and Herman Roth
were present, and Hupka reports their critical reactions to his program. He visited the home of
Paul Hirsch.
OJ 6/7, [4] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated December 21, 1922
Schenker reports the imminent publication of Tonwille 3, and some new publishing
ventures, including a (new) edition of music by C. P. E. Bach and an "Urlinie Edition" of the
Short Preludes by J. S. Bach.
OJ 8/4, [28] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, undated [March 30, 1924]
Schenker confirms Violin's interpretation [given in his previous letter] of the
"Appassionata" Sonata, and describes continued difficulties with Hertzka. Herman Roth has
written to say that he and his son are using Schenker's analyses of Bach preludes in their
counterpoint classes, and expresses the hope that one day they will continue Schenker's work
OJ 8/4, [29] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, undated [April 11, 1924]
Schenker offers Violin advice about holidaying in Austria, recommending the Tyrol
above all. He expects that Otto Vrieslander and possibly Herman Roth will visit them [in
Galtür]. He also inquires about the establishment of a Hochschule for music in Hamburg.
OC 54/83 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 15, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag are sending Schenker ten hard-bound complimentary copies of
the first Meisterwerk Yearbook, although he may contractually be entitled only to five
hard-bound and five paper-bound copies. They ask him to send the addresses to which review
copies may be sent. (Schenker has made some pencil notes about the receipients of the
complimentary copies.)
OC 54/193 List of review copies for Das Meisterwerk in der Musik, vol. 1
List of review copies for the first Meisterwerk
OJ 10/13, [4] Handwritten letter from Dunn to Schenker, dated February 1, 1927
After a long silence, Dunn sends Schenker his abridged translation of
Kontrapunkt, vol. 2, Parts III–IV, expresses regret that Hoboken’s illness prevented him
from visiting, and hopes that they might meet up in London in June.
OJ 6/7, [32] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated February 16, 1927, with postscript
from Fanny Violin
Replying to Violin's previous letter, Schenker expresses surprise about (Egon)
Pollak's enthusiasm for C. P. E. Bach's Double Concerto. He also expresses uncertainty about
whether to accept an honor from the Academy of Arts and Science in Vienna. A translation and
adaptation of part of his Counterpoint, vol. 2, has been prepared; and Herman Roth's book on
counterpoint has also been published. He sends little Karl a picture of himself, and leaves
space for Violin's sister Fanny to add a short greeting.
OJ 89/2, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated January 4, 1928
Schenker sends a feuilleton by Hans Liebstöckl regarding the premiere of Krenek's
opera "Jonny spielt auf."
OJ 5/18, [G] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Jonas, dated February 14, 1928
Discusses plans to create of "journal," and conditions under which this might be
OJ 89/4, [2] Typewritten letter (carbon copy) from Hoboken to Schenker, dated March 19,
Hoboken compares performances of Beethoven's Missa solemnis by Furtwängler and
Klemperer. — He has experienced pains in his arm, and has taken recuperative lessons from
Rudolf Breithaupt. — He details work he has been doing for the Photogramm Archive, work of
his own, and that for Schenker.
OC B/139 Typewritten letter from Alfred Einstein (ZfMw) to Schenker, dated March 28,
Einstein returns to Schenker an article submitted by Gerhard Albersheim. -- He
acknowledges receipt of a correction from Schenker.
OJ 5/18, 1 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Jonas, dated October 7, 1930
In a letter dictated to Jeanette because of eye trouble, but signed and dated by
Heinrich, Schenker tells Jonas that Vrieslander, Roth, and von Cube were unable to support
themselves in Munich and have moved elsewhere.
OJ 6/7, [52] Letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, in Jeanette Schenker's hand, dated November
26, 1930
Schenker summarizes the achievements and ambitions of several of his pupils
and followers (Albersheim, Cube, Vrieslander, Roth, Jonas, and Weisse), noting that Weisse
is the most ambitious of all of these though he is not completely at home in the new theory.
He fears that something might go wrong at Weisse's forthcoming lecture at the Central
Institute for Music Education, and hopes that Violin will listen with a sharp ear. Weisse
will give a trial run of the lecture at the Schenkers' apartment.
OJ 6/8, [6] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated September 28, 1931
Schenker is heartened that Herman Roth, once again, seems to be supporting his
cause. Schenker recommends a series of possible “guest speakers” at the Schenker Institute
and asks if there is some sort of monument or commemorative space devoted to C. P. E. Bach
in Hamburg.
OJ 6/8, [7] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated October 17, 1931
Schenker offers Violin words of comfort in the light of a misappropriation of
the title “Professor.” He also describes progress on Chopin’s Op. 10, No. 12, and the Bach
Prelude in C major for the Five Analyses in Sketchform, and his work on a document of Anton
Schindler purporting to convey Beethoven’s instructions on the performance of the Op. 14
OJ 5/11, [1a] First draft of a handwritten letter from Schenker to Furtwängler, in Jeanette
Schenker’s hand, dated November 11‒16, 1931
OJ 5/11, [1b] Second draft of a handwritten letter from Schenker to Furtwängler in Jeanette and
Heinrich Schenker’s hand, dated November 11‒16, 1931
OJ 6/8, [13] Handwritten letter, with envelope, from Schenker to Violin, dated June 12,
Schenker refers to his “betrayal” by Herman Roth and shares with Vrieslander’s
letter on the subject. He updates Violin on the forthcoming publication of the Fünf
Urlinie-Tafeln, accusing the Mannes School of getting more publicity and profits from the
sale of the work than it deserves.
OJ 12/6, [15] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated September 5, 1932
Jonas encloses sample page-make-up by Saturn-Verlag, and asks Schenker to send
addresses for recipients of invitations [to subscribe]. Reports on his professional
prospects and contacts in Berlin, and on reviewing.
OC 18/37-38 Handwritten letter from Furtwängler to Schenker, dated December 10, 1932
Furtwängler shares Schenker's assessment of Ludwig Karpath, and has not
written a letter for publication. — He has been exploring possibilities for Schenker in
Berlin, particularly taking over a masterclass at the Akademie der Künste, with additional
lectures at the Stern'sches Conservatory. — He has heard from Hans Weisse. — He encloses a
review by Herman Roth, and comments on the latter's character.
OJ 6/8, [14] Handwritten letter, with envelope, from Schenker to Violin, dated December 19,
In this characteristically long end-of-year letter to his friend, Schenker
mentions his forthcoming edition of Brahms’s study of consecutive octaves and fifths,
Jonas’s book on his achievements as a theorist, Zuckerkandl’s book on opera, and the
possibility of an English translation of his Theory of Harmony.
OJ 12/6, [35] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated July 25, 1934
Jonas has changed his travel plans; describes Bayreuth; sends corrigenda list
for his Das Wesen; Roth is working on continuo realizations of Handel.
OJ 5/18, 48 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated July 29, 1934
Schenker reiterates praise for Jonas's chapter on text and music; acknowledges
errata list. — Printing [of Der freie Satz] has begun. — Comments on Herman
OJ 12/6, [40] Handwritten letter from Jonas to Schenker, dated December 19, 1934
Jonas encloses a translation of an English review of his book; comments
despairingly. — Lawsuit against Willi Reich comes to court on December 22. — Jonas hopes to
give lectures in Vienna. —Asks if Schenker knows Carl Johann Perl. —Holiday good
OJ 12/6, [48] Handwritten postcard from Jonas to Jeanette Schenker, dated February 17,
Jonas reports on a meeting at UE re: the prospects for a proposed Schenker
edition series and an English translation, and for prospects in the USA.