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Documents associated with this entity:

Handschriftensammlung [Manuscript Collection]

This collection contains correspondence between Schenker and Otto Erich Deutsch (24 items), Adalbert Franz Seligmann (17), Karl Weigl (4), Artaria (1), and Johannes Brahms (1). There is no published catalogue.

Musiksammlung [Music Collection]

This collection comprises 408 letters, mostly in Schenker's hand, to his principal publisher, Universal Edition of Vienna, and thirty-five from Universal Edition to Schenker, spanning 1908-31, on long loan from Universal Edition since 1976. Regrettably, the letters from Schenker to UE are missing for the years 1920–23 inclusive. There is no published catalogue.

There is also a small number of letters between Jeanette Schenker and Universal Edition dating from after Heinrich's death, held at the company's archive at its head office in Vienna.

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