OJ 11/10, [1] Handwritten picture postcard from Frimmel to Schenker, postmarked September 24,
Frimmel makes an in-joke.
OJ 11/10, [2] Handwritten picture postcard from Frimmel to Schenker, postmarked October 19,
Frimmel sends greetings.
OJ 11/10, [3a] Handwritten picture postcard from Frimmel to Schenker, postmarked [January?] 18,
Frimmel thanks Schenker for his postcard.
OJ 11/10, [12] Handwritten picture postcard from Frimmel to Schenker, dated February 20,
Frimmel thanks Schenker for his complimentary copy of the latter's
OJ 11/10, [14] Handwritten picture postcard from Frimmel to Schenker, undated [1908]
Frimmel informs Schenker that a contribution from him [to the Beethoven Jahrbuch]
is now too late for inclusion in vol. II.
OJ 7/4, [54] Handwritten picture postcard from Jenny Kornfeld to Moriz Violin, dated September 23,
Jenny Kornfeld sends Moriz Violin best wishes for recovery, and greetings to
Fanny Violin; — her husband (Emil Kornfeld) adds his greetings.
OJ 7/4, [65] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker and Jenny Kornfeld to Violin, dated July 12,
Heinrich asks Violin to bring tarot cards; Jenny Kornfeld asks for
OJ 7/4, [66] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated August 2, 1910
Schenker awaits impatiently a letter from Violin; second proofs of the Chromatic
Fantasy are imminent.
OJ 8/1, [2] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich Schenker and Jenny Kornfeld to Moriz Violin,
dated April 15, 1911
A jokey message giving the menu of a meal eaten in Pressbaum.
OJ 8/1, [3] Handwritten picture postcard from Jenny Kornfeld and Heinrich Schenker to Moriz Violin,
dated June 11, 1911
Heinrich Schenker and Jenny Kornfeld report the delights of the Vienna
OJ 8/1, [5] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich Schenker and Jenny Kornfeld to Moriz Violin,
dated July 10, 1911
Schenker asks why Violin is silent about visiting them.
OJ 8/1, [6] Handwritten postcard from Heinrich Schenker and Jenny Kornfeld to Moriz Violin, dated
July 22, 1911
Violin has written an unclear letter: Schenker presses him to say why he isn't
coming to visit; and Jenny Kornfeld urges him not to be so poor a
OJ 8/1, [7] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated August 4,
Schenker inquires after Violin's location and company; — reports his work on
Riemann's theories.
OJ 8/1, [8] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich Schenker and Jeanette Kornfeld to Moriz
Violin, dated August 27, 1911
Schenker and Jeanette vie with short stanzas. — Heinrich reports a walk to
OJ 14/5, [4] Handwritten picture postcard from employee of the Austrian Provincial Bank to Heinrich
Schenker, dated June 19, 1918
Schenker's letter has been forwarded to Moriz Schenker.
OJ 10/1, [50] Handwritten picture postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated March 6, 1920
Dahms sends greetings from Berlin.
OJ 8/3, [87] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 14,
The Schenkers like Seefeld and are busy with proofs, etc. — Will Violin visit
OJ 8/4, [6] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich and Jeanette Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated
June 30, 1921
On holiday (for the first time) in Galtür in the Paznaun Valley, Schenker
composes two short verses in local dialect, and Jeanette a third, to convey something of the
Tyrolean atmosphere.
OJ 8/4, [7] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 6, 1921
In anticipation of preparing an edition of Handel's keyboard works, Schenker asks
Violin for the address of a library in Hamburg that would be likely to have an early print or
handwritten copy of Handel's first book of Suites.
OJ 10/1, [66] Handwritten picture postcard from Margarete and Walter Dahms to Schenker, dated
September 22, 1921
Dahms and his wife send greetings from Munich.
OJ 10/1, [71] Handwritten picture postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated July 12, 1922
Acknowledges and praises Tonwille 2; inquires about Thal Verlag.
OJ 5/45, [4] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich and Jeanette Schenker, not mailed, dated
September 13, 1923
The Schenker's record for themselves their visit to Julia Schenker's grave.
JOB 94-3, [9] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich and Jeanette Schenker to Hammer, dated
July 19 [1924]
Heinrich and Jeanette send greetings from the Tyrol; they are expecting the
OJ 8/4, [30] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 28, 1924
Writing from Galtür to Schruns in the nearby Motafon Valley, Schenker invites the
Violins to visit them some time during their Austrian holiday, and shows them, on the picture,
the mountain pass where they can meet up.
OJ 8/4, [32] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated August 5, 1924
Schenker sends a greeting on the occasion of the Violins' return to Hamburg after
their holiday in Austria, writing a picture postcard showing the cottage where they presumably
went for a meal.
OJ 8/4, [31] Handwritten picture postcard from Heinrich and Jeanette Schenker and others to Moriz
Violin, undated [postmarked August 12, 1924]
In this postcard, begun by Heinrich Schenker, continued by Jeanette Schenker and
Carl Bamberger, and additionally signed by Anthony and Annemarie van Hoboken and Otto
Vrieslander, all express their regret that the Violins could not be with them.
JOB 94-3, [11] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Hammer, dated July 26, 1925
Schenker inquires as to Hammer's whereabouts, referring to a current scandal
surrounding the Albertina gallery in Vienna. He asks about "the first
OJ 8/4, [39] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, undated, postmarked
August 27, 1925
Schenker sends greetings from the Tyrol, reports the publication of an article
on him by Elsa Bienenfeld, which includes a reproduction of his pupil Alfred Rothberger's
bronze medallion.
OJ 8/4, [48] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated March 27,
Schenker has written to Paul von Klenau on Violin's behalf, and received an
assurance that Klenau will write to his brother-in-law (not father-in-law, as Violin had
originally thought) but thinks that Artur Schnabel will be more influential. Klenau will
visit the Schenkers on Saturday.
OJ 10/3, [69] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 6,
Deutsch regrets that Drei Masken Verlag has not yet sent Schenker his
complimentary copies [of the second Meisterwerk yearbook]; they will send an invoice for the
production costs. Hoboken ought to receive an honor from the Austrian state only after the
Photogrammarchiv is up and running. Deutsch has much to show Schenker from the first
editions of Beethoven sonatas. He wants to arrange a time to go through the corrections to
Schubert’s Symphony in B minor.
OJ 10/3, [70] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 11,
Deutsch has seen Otto Vrieslander, who surprisingly did not mention the recent
publication of his songs. He explains how different early print-runs of Beethoven’s works
may display telling differences, and how parallel publications in different cities could
sometimes show changes attributable to the composer (as is typically found in
OJ 10/3, [71] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 15,
Deutsch accepts an invitation to the Schenkers on Wednesday, October 19. –
Drei Masken Verlag have told him that they have already paid Schenker’s honorarium and sent
him complementary copies [of the second Meisterwerk yearbook] in January and that the second
payment came to him from their branch in Vienna. – He has been working on a Beethoven
catalogue but must now turn his attention to Mozart, and then to Schubert.
OJ 10/3, [72] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 24,
Deutsch has spoken to Alfred Kalmus about the revisions that Schenker (with
Deutsch’s assistance) has proposed for a reprinting of the score of Schubert’s “Unfinished”
Symphony. Kalmus said that time was pressing and he was unable to show the two men the
changes before the work went to press.
OJ 9/8, [4] Handwritten picture postcard from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated November 8,
Altmann thanks Schenker for Masterwork 2; — Has retired but is temporarily
continuing in his position; — Reports publication of his handbook for string quartet
OJ 11/10, [19] Handwritten picture postcard from Frimmel to Schenker, dated November 11,
Frimmel thanks Schenker for having had Meisterwerk II sent to
OJ 12/38, [2] Handwritten picture postcard from Hans Liebstoeckl to Schenker, dated January 11,
Without naming the composer or title, Liebstöckl expresses himself in disparaging
terms about Ernst Krenek and the latter's opera, Jonny spielt auf.
OJ 10/3, [76] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 27,
Deutsch has spoken to Alfred Kalmus about the revisions that Schenker (with
Deutsch’s assistance) has proposed for a reprinting of the score of Schubert’s “Unfinished”
Symphony. Kalmus said that time was pressing and he was unable to show the two men the
changes before the work went to press.
WSLB-Hds 191.561 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Deutsch, postmarked February 6,
Schenker congratulates Deutsch on his two most recent radio broadcasts, and on
his impending appointment as editor of a monthly music journal.
OJ 10/3, [83] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated April 16,
Deutsch has had sharp words with Max Ast at Austrian Radio. He wants to give a
talk on Schubert’s lost “Gastein” (or “Gmunden”) Symphony and hopes that publicity from the
broadcasting company will eventually lead to the rediscovery of the manuscript. Eusebius
Mandyczewski is preparing a new edition of the “Unfinished” Symphony for Breitkopf &
Härtel; the Philharmonia pocket score, with Schenker’s and Deutsch’s revisions, is now in
print. Deutsch has discovered that the first edition of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op. 90
exists in two versions.
OJ 10/3, [84] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 1, 1928
Deutsch has picked up a copy of his and Schenker’s recent edition of the
“Unfinished” Symphony; he has made a complaint to Universal Edition and let the publisher
know of Schenker’s displeasure with the-- He is going away for a few days, but returning to
give a radio broadcast on Schubert’s settings of Walter Scott.
OJ 10/3, [85] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 15, 1928
Deutsch thanks Schenker for his kind words (about his recent radio broadcast)
and describes the difficulties in preparing things for publication in Radio Wien. He informs
Schenker that Brahms’s arrangement of a Schubert song has already been published. He has
discovered that the Guitar Quartet believed to be by Schubert is an arrangement, and that an
early cantata, Die Advokaten, is also based on the work of another
OJ 10/3, [86] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 22, 1928
Deutsch thanks Schenker for his most recent letter, and is sending him in
return the original version of the finale of Schubert’s Divertissement à
OJ 10/3, [87] Handwrittenwritten picture postcard from Hanna and Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker,
dated June 10, 1928
The Deutsches hope to see the Schenkers once before both couples go away for
the summer, and they invite them for tea on Tuesday, June 12.
OJ 10/3, [88] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 14,
Deutsch can show Schenker the reissue (Titelauflage) of Beethoven’s Sonata Op.
6 if he is interested. -- On the 27th, he is giving a radio broadcast on Schubert’s lost
symphony; he has obtained funding ($1,000) for the person who finds it. -- He is giving
another radio talk on July 3, on Schubert’s incidental music to Rosamunde.
WSLB-Hds 191.564 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Deutsch, dated and postmarked June 30,
Schenker congratulates Deutsch on being granted the title of “Professor”; he
makes an ironic comment on a hypothetical Nobel Prize for music.
OJ 5/7a, [16] (formerly vC 16) Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Cube, dated July 3, 1928
Schenker inquires whether Cube has encounted obstacles to his
OJ 8/4, [55] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 3,
Schenker asks Violin to write to Fritz Stein, to ask him to return one of his
arrangements of a musical work.
OJ 8/4, [56] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 25,
Writing to the sanatorium in the Harz mountains, Schenker ask Violin how
things are with him.
OJ 10/3, [95] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 8,
Deutsch has received information from Breitkopf & Härtel concerning the
three volumes of piano sonatas by Haydn in the collected edition; he thinks that they are
very expensive.
OJ 10/3, [97] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated February 12,
Deutsch thanks Schenker for his recent postcard, then describes the
circumstances of his recent and forthcoming radio programs, which include a series of
concerts given by a “Kammerensemble” (chamber group) which includes professors from the
Vienna Academy. He has been to a man named Villers, who has been reconstructing orchestral
scores from piano reductions.
OJ 10/3, [99] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 27,
Deutsch asks which edition of the Schubert Minuet in B minor he had consulted
when writing an article in Der Kunstwart.
OJ 10/3, [100] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 6, 1929
Deutsch invites the Schenkers to their place on Wednesday, May 8, or the
following Wednesday.
OJ 10/3, [102] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 13, 1929
Deutsch informs Schenker that Anthony van Hoboken is still abroad, but is
expected towards the end of the week (Friday, May 17).
OJ 10/3, [106] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 18,
Deutsch asks Schenker to name a convenient time to speak with him in private
or, alternatively, for the Schenkers to come to his place some afternoon.
OJ 10/3, [109] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 14,
Deutsch agrees that there should be momentum associated with the Photogram
Archive, but Haas can probably not be persuaded [to approve of Hoboken’s taking the
editorial duties]. --- He reports that work on Haydn (with Hoboken) has
OJ 10/3, [110] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated November 8,
Deutsch has come in second place in the application to the Society of the
Friends of Music [for the directorship of its Archive], and will not accept an inferior
position there. He proposes a meeting with Schenker on Tuesday [the 12th] or Friday [the
OJ 10/3, [111] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated , November 11,
Deutsch accepts Schenker’s invitation for Tuesday, November 12,
OJ 10/3, [112] Handwritten picture postcard from Hanna Deutsch to Schenker, dated December 24,
The Deutsches accept Schenker’s invitation for Friday, December 27, 1929. They
thank him for his expression of sympathy over their son’s illness.
OJ 10/3, [113] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated December 30,
Deutsch advises Schenker to send the manuscript [of an essay by Gerd
Albersheim] to Dr. Alfred Einstein, the editor of the Zeitschrift für
OJ 10/3, [115] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 27,
Deutsch clarifies one or two misunderstandings in Schenker’s previous
postcard: Vrieslander has been contracted by the publisher Strache to bring out some
unpublished sonatas by C. P. E. Bach.
OJ 10/3, [116] Handwritten postcard from Hanna Deutsch to Schenker, dated February 1,
The Deutsches invite the Schenkers for dinner on Wednesday, February 5, 1930.
Hoboken will also be there (without his wife).
OJ 10/3, [117] Handwritten picture postcard from Hanna Deutsch to Schenker, dated February 3,
Hanna Deutsch accepts Schenker’s choice of date for supper (February
OJ 10/3, [118] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated February 5,
Deutsch confirms the time of his invitation to the Schenkers for the
OJ 10/3, [120] Handwritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 2, 1930
Deutsch has come across information suggesting that there may be parts, even a
score, of the "Eroica" Symphony with corrections in Beethoven’s hand from the music library
of Archduke Rudolph and still located in Olmütz [Olomouc].
OJ 10/3, [121] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 5,
Deutsch tells Schenker that Hoboken may stay in Berlin, at least temporarily.
His friend Otto Stoessl works for Der Kunstwart but has not invited him to contribute to
that periodical. He has found a review in a Stuttgart music journal which contains words of
high praise for Schenker’s Erläuterungsausgaben of the late Beethoven
OJ 10/3, [122] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 17,
Deutsch was unable to hear Weisse’s new composition; he has sympathy for the
work of Eduard Beninger.
OJ 10/3, [127] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 23, 1930
Deutsch thanks Schenker for his musical illustration relating to Beethoven’s
"Neue Liebe, neues Leben" and gives details of the second of two outdoor music events
[Leopoldsplatz], scheduled for June 12.
OJ 10/3, [128] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 25, 1930
Deutsch is delighted that Schenker is happy with Drei Masken Verlag’s
willingness to publish the Eroica monograph as a third Meisterwerk yearbook. He has
encountered difficulties with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra regarding the program for
the first of two Serenades in the Leopoldsplatz in June.
OJ 10/3, [130] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 7, 1930
Deutsch comments on the Beethoven military march (tattoo) he came across; he
is still looking for an arranger for Schubert’s marches for piano.
OC 54/308 Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 28,
A printer’s sample make-up for the third Meisterwerk yearbook is on its way to
Schenker; Deutsch asks Schenker to return it together with his comments.
OC 54/312 Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 21,
Deutsch is sending the text manuscript of Schenker’s third Meisterwerk
yearbook to Drei Masken Verlag.
OC 54/314 Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 28,
Deutsch asks Schenker not to return any proof corrections (to the text of the
third Meisterwerk yearbook) until he has seen his own.
OC 54/316 Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated August 11,
Deutsch has received the first proofs [of the third Meisterwerk yearbook] from
the printers, and would like to look carefully at them before forwarding them to
OC 54/318 Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated August 27,
Deutsch has no objection to Schenker adding a note about a possible source for
the “Eroica” Symphony in his notes on the text of the work. -- He is happy that reading the
proofs of the third Meisterwerk yearbook has been useful. -- He suggests that the [Austrian]
Minister for Education ought to see the letters that Leo Kestenberg has written about
Schenker’s work. -- He asks Schenker for a possible journalist contact in
OC 54/319 Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated August 30,
Deutsch asks Schenker to suggest a time when the two of them can get together
in Vienna.
OC 54/321 Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 15,
Deutsch wishes Schenker a speedy recovery from an accident or
OC 54/323 Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 26,
Deutsch has learned that a number of Beethoven items have been transferred
from Olmütz [now Olomouc, in the Czech Republic] to the monastery at
OC 54/324 Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 3,
Deutsch has learned that the sources that may have once been in Archduke
Rudolph’s collection in Olmütz were not transferred to Kremsier, and that the last footnote
(NB) on p. 87 of the third Meisterwerk yearbook ought to be changed.
OC 54/326 Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 12,
Deutsch explains to Schenker that it is a publisher’s duty to contact an
author in the event of some possible errors, especially of a technical nature, even if it
has not actually financed the work itself.
OC 54/331 Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated November 24,
Deutsch has been unable to speak with Mr. Tal [about Roeder’s invoice for the
production of the third Meisterwerk yearbook].
OJ 10/3, [132] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated December 1,
Deutsch accepts Schenker’s invitation for Friday, December 5 [to attend Hans
Weisse’s talk, given in preparation for his lectures on Schenker’s theories in
OJ 10/3, [133] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated December 3,
Deutsch has an engagement on Friday evening, December 5, and cannot stay for
the whole of Hans Weisse’s talk.
OJ 10/3, [134] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated December 14,
Deutsch thanks Schenker -- and Hans Weisse -- for Weisse’s lecture. Hoboken
has recently acquired a second edition of Beethoven’s Sonata Op. 22, which Schenker may wish
to consult.
OJ 10/3, [136] Handwritten picture postcard from Hannah Deutsch to Schenker, dated December 30,
The Deutsches invite the Schenkers for the afternoon of January 4,
OJ 11/54, [31] Handwritten picture postcard from Hoboken to Schenker, dated February 3,
Hoboken will miss today's lesson for health reasons.
OJ 10/3, [138] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated February 4,
Deutsch accepts an invitation to visit the Schenkers on Sunday, February
OJ 15/15, [54] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated February 5,
Weisse reports having given a successful talk to the Society for Music
Pedagogy on the importance of counterpoint; Schenker’s concept of line made a big impression
on the audience.
OJ 15/15, [55] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated February 13,
Weisse thanks Schenker for sending him a Mozart quotation, asks for a source
for it, and makes a reference to a certain "Preetorius."
OJ 10/1, [105] Handwritten picture postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated February 23,
Dahms acknowleges receipt of Meisterwerk 3.
OJ 12/9, [27] Typewritten picture postcard from Karpath to Schenker, dated February 23,
Karpath thanks Schenker for sending volume III of the Yearbook.
OJ 15/15, [56] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated February 25,
Weisse thanks Schenker and clarifies a remark of his own regarding the
analysis of a Bach prelude; comments on the content of an edition of Mozart’s letters, and
expresses shock at the death of John Petrie Dunn.
OJ 14/23, [23] Handwritten picture postcard from Seligmann to Schenker, undated [February 28, 1931]
Seligmann thanks Schenker for his recent correspondence, is heartened by what
Hans Weisse has written (about the reception of Schenker’s work in Berlin); he looks forward
to reading about Rameau (in the third Meisterwerk yearbook).
OJ 8/5, [2] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated February 28,
Schenker has heard about Violin’s letter to Weisse [concerning the founding of
a Schenker Institute in Hamburg] and expresses his interest in it, noting that it will be
possible to teach composition only after Free Composition has been
OJ 5/18, 3c Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated March 1, 1931
Schenker acknowledges receipt [of essays].
OJ 10/3, [140] Handwritten picture postcard from Hannah Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 2,
Deutsch will meet Schenker at the Café Aspang on Thursday, March
OJ 10/3, [141] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 3,
Deutsch corrects his wife’s previous message, saying that he will meet
Schenker at the Café Aspang on Thursday, March 5, around 5 p.m., not in the
OJ 15/15, [57] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated March 5, 1931
Weisse describes the extraordinary success of his lecture on Bach's Prelude in
D minor, at the Society for Music Pedagogy in Vienna.
OJ 14/23, [24] Handwritten postcard from Seligmann to Schenker, postmarked March 11,
Seligmann thanks Schenker for sending him the third Meisterwerk yearbook and
says he greatly enjoyed learning about Rameau in the opening essay. But, he says, Schenker
can hardly be surprised that he is ignored by the Ministry [of Education] if he constantly
offends the people who are responsible to the Minister.
OJ 10/3, [144] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 13,
In this cryptic message, Deutsch creates a relationship among Beethoven,
Schenker, the music critic Julius Korngold, and the writer on music Richard
OJ 8/5, [3] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated March 14,
Schenker expresses his delight that Violin will soon be coming to
OJ 15/15, [58] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated March 20,
Weisse arranges to bring Furtwängler to Schenker’s apartment.
OJ 10/3, [145] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated April 2,
Deutsch comments on Schenker’s essay on a “lost Mozart letter,” to be
published in Der Kunstwart. He does not himself question its authenticity but advises
Schenker to get in touch with Richard Benz in Heidelberg about it.
OJ 5/18, 7 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Jonas, undated [c.April 2,
Schenker asks for reprint of essay.
OJ 15/15, [59] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated April 3, 1931
Weisse thanks Schenker for copies of the [Mozart calling] card – He has given
the one intended for Felix Salzer to another pupil, and asks if Schenker has an extra one
for Salzer.
OJ 5/18, 5 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated April 19, 1931
Schenker acknowledges OJ 12/6, [9]. — The planned collection essays is
premature: 1,000 Marks is better spent on new works. — But the collection should be a
OJ 15/15, [60] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated April 21,
Weisse suggests possible dates and times for a meeting between himself and
Schenker, without Furtwängler.
WSLB-Hds 191.573 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Deutsch, dated April 23, 1931
Schenker explains to Deutsch how the text (as yet unwritten) of the Schubert
song fragment, D. 555, should fit into his completion. He has heard that Ludwig Karpath has
referred to him as Austria’s best music theorist.
OJ 11/54, [33] Handwritten picture postcard from Hoboken to Schenker, dated April 27, 1931
Hoboken reports when he will be back in Vienna.
OJ 15/15, [61] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated May 1, 1931
Weisse tries to arrange a date to meet Schenker.
OJ 10/3, [148] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 6, 1931
Deutsch thanks Schenker for his advice about summer holiday accommodation; he
will make inquiries in Ischgl.
OJ 15/15, [62] Handwritten picture postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated May 19, 1931
Weisse arranges to meet Schenker; he has written again to
OJ 8/5, [4] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, postmarked June 6,
Furtwängler has sent 3,000 Marks via Hans Weisse for the costs of Das
Meisterwerk 3, and Weisse will continue to seek the funds for Der freie
OJ 10/3, [150] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 1, 1931
Deutsch expresses concern that his last letter may have been misunderstood.
The question of textual corruption of musical masterworks may be raised at the Department of
International Intellectual Collaboration in Geneva. The Mozart letter on which Schenker
elaborated was mentioned in the first edition of Jahn but now survives only in poetic and
philosophical biographies of the composer.
OJ 8/5, [5] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated July 13,
Schenker asks Violin if he has yet seen the review of Meisterwerk 3 in the
current issue of Die Musik, which has raised his standing in the world.
OJ 14/23, [25] Handwritten picture postcard from Seligmann to Schenker, postmarked July 17,
Seligmann acknowledges the receipt of Schenker’s article about a lost Mozart
letter, published in Der Kunstwart. He was surprised to learn that some Mozart scholars
doubted its authenticity.
OJ 8/5, [6] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated July 24, 1931
Schenker expresses his astonishment at what the Violin family has had to
endure, and thanks him for the Schenker Institute prospectus.
OJ 10/3, [153] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 25,
Deutsch is back in Vienna, and hopes to see Schenker the following
OJ 10/3, [155] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 9,
Deutsch has learned, from an 1892 exhibition catalogue, that the Moscheles
family owned Beethoven sketch manuscripts and that G. B. Davy owned a number of autographs,
and a sketchbook for the Cello Sonata Op. 102, No. 2.
OC 18/40 Handwritten picture postcard from Karpath to Schenker, undated, postmarked October 13,
Karpath asks Schenker for a telephone call or visit.
OJ 10/3, [158] Handwritten picture postcard from Hannah Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 20,
Deutsch’s meeting, first mentioned in his letter of October 16, has been
postponed by two days, until Thursday, October 22.
OC 18/41 Handwritten picture postcard from Karpath to Schenker, dated October 21,
Karpath offers to draft a document according to Schenker's
OJ 15/15, [63] Handwritten picture postcard from Hertha Weisse to Jeanette Schenker, dated November
16, 1931
Hertha Weisse accepts an invitation from Jeanette Schenker.
OJ 8/5, [7] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated November 27,
Inquiring about Violin’s difficulties at the Schenker Institute in Hamburg,
Schenker observes that there are many fewer conservatory students in Vienna, and also in
Berlin, because music teachers earn so little.
OJ 11/32, [9] Handwritten picture postcard from Robert Haas to Schenker, dated December 22, 1931
Seasonal greetings
OJ 11/54, [38] Handwritten picture postcard from Hoboken to Schenker, dated April 7, 1932
Hoboken will come for a lesson on Friday.
OJ 8/5, [10] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, postmarked May 12,
Schenker expresses his joy at Violin’s forthcoming trip to Vienna and thanks
him for a clipping about C. P. E. Bach and the city of Hamburg.
OJ 5/18, 10 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Frieda Jonas, dated June 28,
Schenker asks Mrs. Jonas to thank Oswald Jonas for an article he has
FS 40/1, [11] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Salzer, dated August 7, 1932
Schenker is delighted that Salzer's injury is less serious than portrayed in the
Neue Freie Presse
OJ 8/5, [18] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Violin, dated September 1,
Schenker sends a postcard from Mönichkirchen am Wechsel, where he and Jeanette
are stopping over en route from holidaying in Lower Austria, to say that he will get in
touch with Violin when he returns to Vienna.
FS 40/1, [24] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Salzer, undated [June 18,
Reports contents of letter from Hans Weisse.
OJ 89/7, [11] Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Hoboken, dated July 16,
Schenker concurs with Hoboken's appraisal of Jonas's book.
OJ 5/18, 48 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated July 29, 1934
Schenker reiterates praise for Jonas's chapter on text and music; acknowledges
errata list. — Printing [of Der freie Satz] has begun. — Comments on Herman
OJ 5/18, 50 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated August 7, 1934
Schenker suggests the publisher should send Vrieslander a copy of Jonas's
book; — Hoboken's plans to be in Vienna.
OJ 5/7a, [50] (formerly vC 50) Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Cube, dated August 18, 1934
Best wishes for birth.
OJ 5/18, 52 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated August 28,
Schenker lists the pieces he has worked through with Hoboken with a view to
publication; puzzles over Furtwangler's lack of contact; outlines homeward
OJ 5/18, 55 Handwritten picture postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated September 13,
Wilhelm Altmann asks that Jonas send biographical notes on himself for the
Tonkünstler-Lexikon; Schenker refers to Hoboken and Salzer.
OC A/291 Handwritten picture postcard from Komorn to Schenker, dated December 22,
Mrs. Komorn send Christmas and New Year's best wishes.
OJ 89/8, [1] Handwritten picture postcard from Jeanette Schenker to Anthony and Eva van Hoboken,
dated June 26, 1935
Jeanette reports on the setting of the slab for Heinrich's
OJ 10/18, [16] Handwritten postcard from Marianne Kahn and Angi Elias to Jeanette Schenker, dated
April ?3, 1938
Kahn and Elias are well and hope to see Jeanette in Vienna
OJ 10/18, [17] Handwritten postcard from Angi Elias to Jeanette Schenker, dated October 21,
Elias inquires how Jeanette is, and invites her to visit her in Vienna or meet
in the city center.
OJ 12/24, [10] Handwritten picture postcard from Kromer to Jeanette Schenker, dated May 24,
Kromer is away, and will let Jeanette know when he returns.
OJ 71/21a, [1] Handwritten picture postcard from Tomáš Kornfeld to Heribert Esser, dated May 5,
Tomáš Kornfeld confirms that he is a descendant of the Kornfeld