WSLB 119 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated June 5, 1912
Schenker inquires about the print-run and retail cost of his
Instrumentations-Tabelle, and points out an inconsistency in the edition number. He asks for
clarity on a payment he has just received, stressing his probity.
OJ 10/3, [29] Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated March 20, 1922
Deutsch writes that the "Moonlight" Sonata facsimile edition is still being
printed, and that he cannot make a decision on the production of a second facsimile edition
until the new contract has been agreed with Universal Edition. The contract has been delayed
by Universal Edition's dispute with Drei Masken. If they have to abandon plans for the
facsimile edition of Beethoven's "Spring" Sonata Op. 24 because of the dispute, Deutsch
suggests Beethoven's String Quartet Op. 95 as an alternative.
OJ 10/3, [30] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated April 8, 1922
Deutsch has learnt from Dr. [Greta] Kraus that Dr. Haas still does not want to allow them to
reproduce facsimiles of Beethoven's "Spring" Sonata Op. 24, because he feels bound to Drei Masken. When
Universal Edition have confirmed this to Deutsch, Deutsch will ask Schenker to propose a different Beethoven
OJ 10/3, [37] Typewritten postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 26, 1922
Deutsch reports that Drei Masken will not publish a facsimile edition of Beethoven's "Spring"
Sonata Op. 24, and will instead publish editions of Beethoven's Piano Sonata in F-sharp Op. 78, a string quartet
by Haydn, and Schubert's Winterreise and B minor Symphony.
OJ 6/7, [10] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated October 26, 1924
Schenker names ten universities that should receive complimentary copies of Der
Tonwille, explaining that university music departments (Seminare) are more suitable recipients
than conservatories and other types of music schools. With 1924 coming to an end, he will resign
from UE and shift publication of Der Tonwille to Piper or Drei-Masken Verlag in Munich. The
latter have agreed to publish his study of Beethoven's Sonata Op. 106
OJ 6/7, [11] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated November 6, 1924
Schenker has received a photographic reproduction of the opening chorus of Bach's
St Matthew Passion. — Gives account of delays to the publication of Tonwille 8/9 and 10, blaming
Hertzka for being slow to send work to the engraver, and has written to him with a request to
dissolve the Tonwille contract with UE. — Refers to a recent review by (Julius) Korngold, and
recounts a long story about his piano dealer, Bernhard Kohn.
OJ 6/7, [13] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated November 13, 1924
Schenker sends Violin Jeanette's handwritten copy of the essay Violin had
composed for Schenker's fiftieth birthday in 1918, and hopes that it may one day be published. —
Has received a conciliatory letter from Hertzka, but is determined to move Der Tonwille to a
Munich publisher.
OC 54/2 Typed letter from Alfred Einstein & August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated
November 27, 1924
Having had soundings from Otto Vrieslander about taking over the publishing of
Der Tonwille, Drei Masken Verlag now approach Schenker directly, asking him to come to an
agreement with Universal Edition about the the future of the publication.
OC 54/4 Typed postcard from Alfred Einstein and August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated
December 9, 1924
Drei Masken Verlag acknowledge the receipt of Schenker’s letter of December 5,
OC 54/5-7 Draft letter from Schenker to Drei Masken Verlag, dated as sent on December 9,
In the light of an exchange of letters with UE, Schenker suggests that the new
publication have a new title (Die Urlinie) but that the old typeface and format be retained.
He suggests that the new periodical should include articles on each of the Chopin etudes and
the four Brahms symphonies, and on symphonies by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert and Haydn, from
all of which book-length studies could subsequently be made.
OJ 5/38, [14] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated December 12,
Circumstances have prevented the Schenkers from visiting Wilhelm in the autumn.
Heinrich suggests to his brother that they visit for a few days at Christmas, or that Wilhelm
visit them in Vienna.
OC 54/9 Typed postcard from August Demblin and Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated
December 22, 1924
DMV acknowledge receipt of Schenker’s letter of December 9, 1924 and promise
to reply after the Christmas holidays.
OC 54/10 Typed letter from Theodor Baumgarten to Schenker, dated January 15, 1925
Baumgarten expresses his concerns about Schenker’s negotiations with a new
publisher, and cautiously advises that his client might instead wish to reach a peaceful
agreement with Universal Edition.
OC 54/11 Typewritten postcard from Otto Vrieslander to Schenker, dated January 19,
Vrieslander thanks Schenker for Tonwille 10, remarks about negotiations with
Universal Edition and Drei Masken Verlag, and promises to send him an offprint of his recent
essay on C. P. E. Bach.
OC 54/12 Typed letter from August Demblin and Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated January
20, 1925
Drei Masken Verlag offer to publish Schenker's future work as a yearbook,
entitled "Das Meisterwerk in der Musik," in volumes comprising fifteen gatherings (180 pages).
The manuscript would need to be delivered in July in order for the book to be published in time
for Christmas.
OC 54/14 Handwritten postcard from Theodor Baumgarten to Schenker, dated January 23,
Baumgarten will let Schenker know whether he is able to visit him the following
Monday (January 26, 1925), to discuss Drei Masken Verlag's letter of January 20 (OC
OC 54/15 Typewritten letter from Otto Vrieslander to Schenker, dated January 24,
Vrieslander reports a recent meeting at Drei Masken Verlag with Alfred
Einstein, whose character he rates highly and who assured him that he was looking forward to
publishing Schenker's work.
OJ 6/7, [16] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated January 24, 1925
Responding point by point to Violin's previously letter (OJ 14/45, [41]),
Schenker congratulates his friend on the success of his recent concert. He writes at length
about Hertzka's last efforts to hold onto Der Tonwille, and about successful negotiations with
Drei Masken Verlag over its successor, Das Meisterwerk in der Musik. He has now to prepare
enough material for a yearbook comprising fifteen gatherings by July 1, so that the volume can
be published by Christmas. Finally, he echoes Violin's assessment of Hans Weisse, adding a few
disparaging remarks about his character.
OJ 14/45, [42] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Schenker, dated January 30, 1925
Violin lends Schenker the letters sent by university music departments
acknowledging receipt of their copies of Der Tonwille. The reviews of his recent concert were
cooler than the audience’s reception, and the concert suffered a financial loss; nonetheless he
hopes to persevere with public performances as a pianist. Finally, he wishes Schenker luck with
his new publisher, Drei Masken Verlag.
OJ 6/7, [17] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated February 2, 1925
Schenker, repeating some of the points made in earlier letters, continues to give an account of
Hertzka's dishonest dealings with him over Der Tonwille and asks Violin to give him an accurate count of the
subscriptions that Max Temming paid for in the distribution of free copies of the journal to university music
departments. He asks if Violin suspects that anti-Semitism lurks behind some of the critical notices of his recent
concert. Finally, he mentions an article in Die Musik by Paul Bekker that numbers Schenker among the hermeneutists;
the same issue contains a review of Der Tonwille, by Max Broesicke-Schon, disputing the supreme genius of the
canonic composers.
OC 54/19 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated February 3,
Replying to Schenker's earlier queries, Drei Masken Verlag explain that Schenker
will receive a royalty of 15% of the selling price of a paperback copy for each Yearbook sold,
whether hardback or paperback. They offer an advance of 500 marks against expected sales at the
time of publication (early November), and can give him half that sum upon receipt of his
manuscript at the end of June.
OJ 5/38, [16] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated February 3,
Heinrich offers Wilhelm advice and help on finding a career placement for his
adoptive grandson Karli.
OC 54/23 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated February 11, 1925
A copy of the Mozart-Jahrbuch II will be sent to Schenker as a model for
OC 52/639 Handwritten letter from Siegfried Fritz Müller to Schenker, dated February 13,
Siegfried Fritz Müller reports his subscriptions to Tonwille and asks for
clarity regarding dealings with Drei Masken-Verlag.
OC 54/25 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated February 21, 1925
Drei Masken Verlag acknowledge Schenker's acceptance of their terms and issue a
contract for the Meisterwerk Yearbooks.
OJ 9/12, [3] Handwritten letter from Carl Bamberger to Schenker, dated February 23,
As a follow-up to his previous letter, Bamberger gives a full account of the
number of subscriptions to Der Tonwille that he has either instigated himself or encouraged
others to take on.
OJ 5/38, [17] Handwritten postcard from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated February 24,
Heinrich sends greetings to his brother Wilhelm, and urges him to come to Vienna
to savor Jeanette’s cooking.
OC 54/28 Typed letter from August Demblin and Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated March 3,
Drei Masken Verlag is willing to use Der Tonwille as the title of Schenker's
Yearbook, but only with the approval of Hertzka at Universal Edition.
JOB 94-3, [10] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hammer dated March 12, 1925
Wherever Hammer may travel, Schenker declares, he will never lose his
Germanness. Schenker asserts the superiority post-WWI of the German nation over those of the
west. -- He describes his own pianism: his "fingers are like musical brains." -- He gives an
account of the dispute with Universal Edition and the outcome of negotiations with Drei
Masken Verlag.
OC B/196 Typewritten letter from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, dated March 24, 1925
The St. Matthew Passion parts may be retained until mid-July; Altmann is
pleased at Schenker's move from Universal Edition to Drei Masken Verlag; will not be in
Galtür next summer.
OJ 6/7, [19] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated April 10, 1925
Continuing the story of the ongoing financial battle against Hertzka and
Universal Edition, Schenker thanks Violin for providing confirmation of the subscriptions paid
for by Max Temming, then recounts that, at a meeting with Hertzka and his bookkeeper, the
order-book for Der Tonwille had several pages torn out. Schenker is upset that his lawyer Dr.
Baumgarten, though an old friend, is not fully supportive of his position and would prefer seek
a compromise with Hertzka; this, Schenker feels, would rob him of much of his hard-earned
royalties, especially from the Beethoven sonata edition. He now asks Violin to find a contact –
outside Hamburg – who would be willing to order nine copies of Tonwille 1, as evidence that this
issue is still in demand, despite Hertzka's claims to the contrary. He has attended a
performance of Hans Weisse's Sextet, of which he found the variation movement and the trio
section of the scherzo to be the most satisfactory parts.
OC 54/29 Typed postcard from August Demblin and Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated June
10, 1925
Drei Masken Verlag requests that Schenker send the manuscript of the first
Meisterwerk Yearbook directly to their Munich office.
OJ 5/38, [19] Handwritten letter from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated July 4, 1925
Heinrich continues to explain the difficulties he has encountered with his
OC 54/31 Typewritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated July 24,
Moriz Schenker tells his brother that he will ask his friend Sobotka to
intervene directly in the matter of obtaining the advance of 250 marks from Drei Masken
OJ 6/7, [23] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 26, 1925
Two weeks after arriving in Galtür for the summer holidays, Schenker reports that
he has caught up on his sleep and has already dictated an essay on Reger's Variations and Fugue
on a Theme of J. S. Bach, Op. 81. He will not allow the legal wrangle with Universal Edition to
interfere with his holiday, but he is annoyed about not having been paid by Drei Masken Verlag
for the manuscript of Meisterwerk 1. He has responded to a critique of his Erläuterungsausgabe
of Op. 110, in an essay in Meisterwerk 1, but will not pursue other attacks upon his work and
those of his pupils. The Schenker medallion designed by Alfred Rothberger is going to a second
impression; but the mezzotint portrait by Viktor Hammer, which Jeanette finds a superior work,
has not yet been printed. Throughout the letter, Schenker urges Violin to bring his family to
Galtür sometime during the summer.
OC 54/32 Typed letter from Moriz Schenker to Schenker, dated July 28, 1925
Moriz Schenker has seen his friend Sobotka, who will arrange for the advance
from Drei Masken Verlag to be paid into his account.
OJ 6/7, [24] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated August 15, 1925
After expressing his sympathy for Violin, in response to his friend's depressing
postcard, Schenker gives an account of some of the summer events, including a visit from
Vrieslander and Hoboken and work on two essays for Meisterwerk 2. While continuing to rail
against Hertzka and Universal Edition, he repeats the story of Drei Masken Verlag failing to
send him 250 Marks upon receipt of the manuscript of Meisterwerk 1. His brother Moses is,
however, acquainted with the principal owner of Drei Masken, Felix Sobotka, and through this
connection the payment has been made.
OC 54/33 Typewritten letter from C. Alberti (DMV) to Schenker, dated September 1,
In response to Schenker's request for proofs for the first Meisterwerk Yearbook,
Drei Masken Verlag explain that they have not yet decided on a printing house. They advise
Schenker to submit his next manuscript earlier in the year, on account of the complexity of the
OC 54/34 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated September 16,
Drei Masken Verlag tell Schenker that a printer for the first Meisterwerk
Yearbook has not yet been found, owing to the high costs of this work, and that first proofs
will not be ready for another two weeks.
OC 54/35 Typewritten postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated September 22,
Drei Masken Verlag arranges for Schenker to be paid his advance of 250
OJ 9/12, [5] Handwritten letter from Carl Bamberger to Schenker, dated September 27,
Bamberger is officially a "conductor" at Danzig. -- He asks how to obtain a
Rothberger medallion of Schenker and inquires after Hammer's etching. -- He reports on
Hupka's progress in Cologne, and inquires after F.E. von Cube.
OC 54/36 Typewritten postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated October 13,
Drei Masken Verlag has still not found a suitable printing house, and informs
Schenker that the first Meisterwerk Yearbook cannot be published in 1925.
OC 54/37 Copy of letter from Schenker to Drei Masken Verlag, dated October 16,
Expressing his distress at the delays, Schenker expresses his hope that the
first Meisterwerk Yearbook might nonetheless be published by December and, if not, that it
should still bear the date of 1925.
OC 54/39 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated October 19,
Drei Masken Verlag are near agreement with a printer; Yearbook I will be
backdated to 1925.
OJ 6/7, [25] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated October 25, 1925
In this wide-ranging letter, Schenker commiserates with Violin about the high
cost of living, and his inability to raise his fees to keep up with it (in particular, he
feels unable to ask the wealthy Hoboken to pay more than his other pupils). He reports on
sales of a medallion bearing his image, and the imminent arrival of a mezzotint of his
portrait, made by Viktor Hammer, of which his brother Moses Schenker has bought the original
drawing. Vrieslander will write an essay about his work in Die Musik, accompanied by the
portrait, and things are now going well with the corrections to Meisterwerk 1 and the
writing of Meisterwerk 2.
OC 54/40 Handwritten note by Schenker, dated November 4, 1925
Reminds about proofs.
OC 54/41 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated November 6,
Drei Masken Verlag in Munich have now transferred all matters of production
concerning Meisterwerk I to their office in Vienna.
OC 54/42 Typewritten letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated November 6,
Drei Masken Verlag in Vienna report that Waldheim-Eberle has been chosen as the
printing house for Yearbook I; they ask Schenker for the precise wording of the title of the
book, and issue instructions for dealing with the galley-proofs.
OC 54/192 Notes by Schenker, made in November 1925
Notes concerning the production schedule for the first Meisterwerk
OC 54/57 Typewritten letter from DMV to Schenker, dated January 15, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag in Munich have now transferred all matters of production
concerning the first Meisterwerk Yearbook to their office in Vienna.
OC 54/58 Typewritten letter from August Demblin and Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated
January 16, 1926
The facsimile edition of Mozart’s Don Giovanni will not be ready for some time; a
facsimile of Beethoven’s Op. 57 is planned, not by DMV but by a Paris
OC 54/59 Typewritten letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 21,
Drei Masken Verlag announce that the second galley-proofs are on their way to Schenker and
explain that, owing to the complexity of the publication, it will take time to complete the
corrections to the text and the music examples.
OC 54/60 Typewritten letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 25,
Drei Masken Verlag are sending Schenker the second galley-proofs for the first Meisterwerk
Yearbook, together with a separate printout of the music examples.
OC 54/62 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated February 3, 1926
The Vienna branch of Drei Masken Verlag are forwarding Schenker’s request for an
announcement about the Meisterwerk Yearbooks to their Munich office. They explain that
difficulties in printing the music examples have delayed the production of Yearbook
OC 54/63 Typed letter from August Demblin and Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated
February 5, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag invite Schenker to write a short announcement about the
Meisterwerk Yearbook, to be sent to newspapers and music journals in advance of
OC 54/68 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated March 4, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag reprimands Schenker for introducing so many changes to the
music examples, and ask him to consider whether he wishes to bear the additional cost of
reingraving the music example plates.
OC 54/69 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated March 10, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag report a short delay in the production of the first
Meisterwerk Yearbook.
OC 54/70 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated March 15, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag agree to print a list of corrections at the end of Meisterwerk
1, and announce that they have now completed the revision of the volume.
OJ 5/9a, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Georg Dohrn, dated April 5, 1926
Schenker answers Dohrn's inquiry as to the performance of the opening of the
second movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
OC 54/74 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated April 15, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that the proof-copy of Meisterwerk 1 has been
sent to Dr. Einstein in Munich for final checking. They confirm that the majority of the music
examples will appear as an unbound supplement at the end of the book, agree to correct two
errors in the typesetting, and confirm the appearance of the cover.
OC 54/75 Typed letter from DMV to Schenker, dated April 24, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag will send Schenker new page-proofs for the first gathering, to
ensure that the title-page and the list of printing errors are correct. They also ask about the
binding of the separate pages of musical illustration, and the notice about his earlier
OC 54/76 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 4, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag are sending Schenker the proofs for the first gathering of
his first Meisterwerk Yearbook, with the list of printing errors. There is not enough room
for a special notice about the new series, but they will include the contents of the ten
issues of Der Tonwille.
OC 54/77 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 7, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag alert Schenker to the printing error in the proof of
the advertisement page, which was to be included in the first Meisterwerk volume, and ask that
he disregard the imprimatur. They send linen swatches for the cover and recommend using coloured
lettering for the title.
OC 54/78 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 14, 1926
A further mistake has been found in the text of the first Meisterwerk
Yearbook, and Schenker is asked to confirm the correction by return of
OC 54/79 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 5, 1926
The binding of the first Meisterwerk Yearbook has been transferred to another
firm, mainly because the printing-house of Waldheim-Eberle would not do this work for the
agreed price. Schenker is asked not to press for an early release of the book, before the
bindings have had a chance to dry thoroughly.
OC 54/80 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 11, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag acknowledge receipt of the manuscript of Das Meisterwerk in
der Musik, vol. 2.
OC 54/82 Typed postcard from Alfred Einstein and August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated June
14, 1926
The Munich office of Drei Masken Verlag acknowledges receipt of the
manuscript for Das Meisterwerk in der Musik, volume 2.
OC 54/83 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 15, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag are sending Schenker ten hard-bound complimentary copies of
the first Meisterwerk Yearbook, although he may contractually be entitled only to five
hard-bound and five paper-bound copies. They ask him to send the addresses to which review
copies may be sent. (Schenker has made some pencil notes about the receipients of the
complimentary copies.)
OJ 9/12, [6] Handwritten letter from Carl Bamberger to Schenker, dated June 15, 1926
Bamberger has introduced pianist Stefan Askenase to Schenker's
Erläuterungsausgabe of Op. 111, to the latter's delight. He would like to visit the
Schenkers in Galtür.
OC 54/84 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 16, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag ask Schenker to exchange five paper-bound copies of the
first Meisterwerk Yearbook for five of the hard-bound copies they had recently sent
OC 54/86 Handwritten Note from DMV to Schenker, dated June 17, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag ask Schenker to exchange five paper-bound copies of the
first Meisterwerk Yearbook for five of the hard-bound copies he had recently received from
OC 54/87 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 19, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that the distribution of the first
Meisterwerk volume will be delayed until their Munich branch have announced the retail
OC 54/88 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 21, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag will arrange to have the remainder of the advance for the
first Meisterwerk Yearbook paid in shillings, but they are reducing the royalties because
the corrections he made exceed 10% of the printing costs. They are also reserving judgment
on the publication of the second Yearbook until they see some sales figures for the first.
(Pencil annotations to the letter indicate Schenker’s displeasure at this
OC 54/89 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 22, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag in Vienna report having paid the remainder of the advance
for the first Meisterwerk Yearbook into Schenker’s account.
OC 54/90 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 23, 1926
In response to Schenker’s query regarding advance payments for Das Meisterwerk
in der Musik, the Vienna office of Drei Masken Verlag explain that they have instructions
only to offer the remainder of the advance on the first Yearbook, and that no decision has
yet been made with regard to the second.
OJ 8/4, [43] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, written July 8, 1926
Schenker expresses his pleasure that the Violins are on holiday in Badgastein;
he enquires about whether Violin has received a complimentary copy of Meisterwerk 1, which
his publishers seem slow to dispatch, and whether he has further plans to give piano trio
OC 54/95 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated July 9, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag ask Schenker to agree to a delay until October 1926 before
a decision is reached about proceeding with production of the second Meisterwerk
OC B/193 Handwritten postcard from Wilhelm Altmann to Schenker, postmarked August 3,
Altmann thanks Schenker for Meisterwerk I and describes his summer
OJ 11/54, [8] Handwritten letter from Hoboken to Schenker, dated August 22, 1926
Hoboken will probably not now visit Schenker in Galtür; explains his and his
wife's departure from Munich and their subsequent travels to Bern, Naples, and Capri, and
reports that his house in Vienna should be ready for occupancy on October 1. — Vrieslander and
he are considering founding a music journal, and wish to discuss the idea with Schenker.
OC 54/101 Typed letter from Drei Masken Verlag (Vienna) to Schenker, dated October 12,
Drei Masken Verlag in Vienna will forward Schenker’s query about the lack of
publicity for the first Meisterwerk Yearbook to their Munich office.
OC 54/102 Draft of a letter from Schenker to Drei Masken Verlag (Munich), dated October 14,
Schenker reminds the publishers that they were expected to reach a decision –
which he is expecting to be positive – regarding the production of the second Meisterwerk
OC 54/104 Typed letter from August Demblin and Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated
October 15, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag think that an advertisement for the first Meisterwerk
Yearbook in the December 1926 issue of Die Musik would be timely; they also report that
sales of the book have been slow.
OC 54/105-106 Draft of a letter from Schenker to Drei Masken Verlag in Jeanette Schenker’s hand,
dated November 18, 1926
Schenker reminds the publishers once again that they owe him a decision about
starting production of the second Meisterwerk Yearbook; although they have complained about
poor sales, they have done nothing to publicize the book, which would otherwise be unknown
to his adherents in foreign countries.
OC 54/108 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated November 26, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag are not at liberty to make a direct approach to a
retailer’s customers. They suggest that Schenker contact the firm of Gutmann directly, and
that the appeal to his readers is personally composed; they will offer Gutmann a reduction
in the cost of copies ordered or sold by the firm.
OC 54/109 Typed letter from Alfred Einstein (DMV) to Schenker, dated December 11,
Although he is confident that Drei Masken Verlag is not bound to publishing
Schenker’s second Meisterwerk Yearbook, Einstein suggests that the two of them come to a new
financial agreement so that production can take place.
OC 54/110 Typed letter from Alfred Böhme (DMV) to Schenker, dated December 17, 1926
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that a glowing review of the first
Meisterwerk volume has appeared in Der Abend, and ask that he send them details of interested individuals to whom they can forward the review.
OJ 5/38, [23a] Handwritten letter from Heinrich & Jeanette to Wilhelm Schenker, dated “Saturday
evening” [December 18, 1926]
In an 8-page letter, Heinrich acknowledges the receipt of his brother’s witty
letter, apologizes for not visiting him at the end of the summer. — He continues to complain
about the way in which his publishers have treated him. — He has played chamber music with
his nephew Georg, a talented musician. — He is sending Wilhelm a book by the German humorist
Wilhelm Busch. —Jeanette reports a visit from one of her sisters, the first time she has
been with a family member since 1910.
OC 54/111 Typed letter from Otto Erich Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 8, 1927
Deutsch thanks Schenker for his recent communications, including a copy of the
contract with Drei Masken Verlag for the Meisterwerk Yearbook, and asks for a copy of
relevant extracts from the correspondence with the publishers. He reports progress in the
establishment of a Photogram Archive at the Austrian National Library, with the cooperation
of Dr Robert Haas and financial support from Anthony van Hoboken; similar plans to
photographically reproduce autograph manuscripts are underway at the Beethoven House in
Bonn, and (for manuscripts of Bach and Handel) also in England. He advises Schenker that
proofs will start arriving from the printing-house Waldheim in a few weeks, and expresses
his delight in being able to assist Schenker in the promotion of his work.
OC 54/113-115 Handwritten notes by Schenker for material sent to Otto Erich Deutsch in January
These notes form the basis of a letter from Schenker to Otto Erich Deutsch
that gives details of his difficulties with his present publisher (Drei Masken Verlag), and
provides a list of the extracts from the correspondence with DMV, which Jeanette Schenker
has copied out to assist Deutsch in renegotiating a contract to publish Schenker’s second
Meisterwerk Yearbook.
OC 54/116 Typewritten draft of two letters to Drei Masken Verlag, dated January 8 and 10,
This document contains drafts of two alternative letters to Drei Masken
Verlag, one asking them to return the manuscript of the second Meisterwerk Yearbook and
threatening legal action for financial damage, the other authorizing Otto Erich Deutsch as
representative of a group of students who will offer financial support to make it
financially easier for the publishers to bring out the Yearbook.
OC 54/119 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 17,
Drei Masken Verlag agree to publish the second Meisterwerk Yearbook, under
terms suggested by Otto Erich Deutsch, and will send Schenker an advance of 250
OC 54/120 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 18,
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that they have sent the manuscript of his
second Meisterwerk Yearbook to the typesetter, Mandruck (Munich), from whom he will receive
the galley-proofs.
OC 54/123 Receipt for a bank transaction, undated
Receipt for the advance paid to Schenker for the second Meisterwerk Yearbook.
OC 54/125 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 21,
Drei Masken Verlag agree to send Schenker proofs of the text and the music
examples at the same time.
OC 54/126 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated January 27,
Drei Masken Verlag have enclosed a page of music examples and a letter from
the printers. They request a response as soon as possible.
OC 54/129 Typed letter from Otto Vrieslander to Schenker, dated February 10, 1927
Vrieslander assures Schenker that he has prepared the graphs for Mozart’s
Symphony in G minor with the utmost care, with due regard to his
OC 54/130 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated February 12,
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that the proofs will be sent in the manner
that he has requested.
OC 54/135 Typed letter from DMV to Schenker, dated February 24, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that there is a delay with the production
of the music examples for the second Meisterwerk yearbook. They anticipate that he will
receive the proofs soon.
OC 54/136 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated March 4, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag send Schenker a proof of the Urlinie graph for Chopin’s Op.
15, No. 2, and ask him to correct and return it.
OC 54/139 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated March 18, 1927
In response to queries about the typography in the second Meisterwerk
Yearbook, Drei Masken Verlag ask Schenker to return the proof-sheets with the corrections
indicated, so that they can investigate the specific problems.
OC 54/141 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated March 24,
Drei Masken Verlag confirm that the facsimile sketch for Haydn’s “Chaos” will
be stereotyped.
OC 54/143 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated April 5, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag confirm receipt of the corrected graphs and freshly copied
music examples for Meisterwerk 2.
OJ 10/3, [60] Typewritten express postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated April 21,
Deutsch looks forwarded to seeing the Schenkers at Hoboken’s place. The
Society of the Friends of Music would like their print of a Haydn sketchleaf to be returned;
Eusebius Mandyczewki is unable to find a copy of Scarlatti’s Op. 1 (a collection of six
keyboard sonatas).
OC 54/145 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated April 25, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that they have sent all of the material for
the second Meisterwerk volume to the printers, and that he should expect to receive three
copies of the page proofs and two copies of the music examples in due
OC 54/147 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated April 30,
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that they have forwarded the imprimatur
engravings to the printers, along with his query about Fig. 33.
OC 54/148 Typed letter from Mandruck to Schenker, dated May 3, 1927
Mandruck return the original sketches of Haydn's "Representation of Chaos" to
Schenker and inform him that they have prepared the stereotype in accordance with his
OC 54/149 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 3, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag confirm that they have arranged for two copies of the page
proofs for the second Meisterwerk volume to be sent to him, and the third to Otto Erich
OC 54/154 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 9, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag confirm receipt of the imprimatur copy of Figure 33 for the
second Meisterwerk volume. They request that Schenker now send the galley proofs for pages
OC 54/157 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 13, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that they have forwarded his requested
corrections to the printing house, and will be in touch soon regarding the completion of the
graphs for the second Meisterwerk volume.
OC 54/158 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 16, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag notify Schenker that they will send him the missing galley
proofs for the second Meisterwerk volume that day, and inform him that his requests for corrections
regarding the Mozart graph have been successfully processed.
OC 54/159 Typed letter from Mandruck to Schenker, dated May 16, 1927
Mandruck enclose the missing galley proofs for the second Meisterwerk volume,
and confirm that the requested changes have been successfully
OC 54/163 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 20, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag notify Schenker that they have enclosed a set of amended
proofs for the second Meisterwerk yearbook.
OC 54/164 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 23, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag confirm receipt of Schenker's imprimatur graphs and amended proofs for
the second Meisterwerk yearbook, assuring him that the requested correction in the Mozart
Symphony has been made.
OC 54/167 Typed letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated May 30, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag have enclosed the sample proofs of the first two gatherings
for Meisterwerk 2, and request that he responds to their query about the size and placement
of music examples as soon as possible.
OC 54/169 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 7, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that the page proofs for the second
Meisterwerk volume will be completed in around two weeks time.
OC 54/175 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated June 15, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag enclose a paper sample intended for the second Meisterwerk Yearbook,
and request Schenker's approval.
OC 54/177 Typed letter from August Demblin to Schenker, dated June 21, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag confirm that Schenker's requests regarding the music
examples for the second Meisterwerk volume have been honoured, and inform him that he will
receive a complete copy of the proofs once the pagination has been completed.
OJ 10/3, [65] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 11, 1927
Deutsch tells Schenker that the second edition of Schindler’s Beethoven
biography is available, but not the first. --- He explains at length a misunderstanding over
the reprinting of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op. 57, with correction strips, before Universal
Edition reissued Schenker’s edition, revised in the light of the facsimile of the autograph
manuscript. --- He is thoroughly pleased with Hoboken’s text (announcing the Photogram
Archive) and gives an account of his and Hoboken’s movements over the summer.--- He reports
on a project in America to find a completion for Schubert’s “Unfinished” Symphony, and
expresses his regret that Drei Masken Verlag have been slow to prepare the second
Meisterwerk yearbook for publication.
OC 54/183 Typed postcard from C. Alberti (DMV) to Schenker, dated August 5, 1927
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that they expect to receive a complete,
corrected copy of the second Meisterwerk volume in around a week, and anticipate that it
will be released in September.
OJ 89/1, [3] Handwritten letter from Schenker to van Hoboken, dated August 20, 1927
Schenker has a reply from Furtwängler, saying that he is about to see Hoboken. —
Final proofs of Meisterwerk II have arrived; where should he have a copy sent to Hoboken? —
Discusses possible meeting with Furtwängler (refers to Furtwängler's attitude toward the
"moderns"). — Reports visit by von Cube.
OC 54/186 Postal receipt for a letter to Drei Masken Verlag, dated August 22, 1927
Postal receipt for a package containing the imprimatur page proofs for the second
Meisterwerk yearbook.
OJ 11/54, [15] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated August 28, 1927
Hoboken reports on meeting with Furtwängler regarding the Photogrammarchiv, and
expresses the hope that it will be possible to interest Furtwängler in performance according to
the sources in the Archive; he encloses the final version of the "Aufruf" for the Archive, and
discusses negotiations with the Austrian National Library and Ministry of Education. — Comments
on Oppel's plan to teach in Leipzig. — Agrees to Schenker's lesson plan and fee for 1927/28. —
Describes his travel plans, which include meetings with Louis Koch in Frankurt, Ludwig
Schiedermair in Bonn, contact with John Petrie Dunn in England, C. S. Terry in Scotland, and
Maurice Cauchie in Paris, and photographing [of sources] at the [Paris] Conservatory.
OJ 11/54, [17] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated September 6, 1927
Van Hoboken reports from Drei Masken Verlag that Vrieslander's text for the
Meisterwerk prospectus is overlength, and seeks Schenker's opinion.
OJ 10/3, [67] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 8, 1927
Deutsch has the text of the prospectus for the second Meisterwerk yearbook
prepared by Otto Vrieslander, which the publishers say is too long and he thinks is
unnecessarily repetitious. He is forwarding it to Schenker for his opinion.
OJ 10/3, [68] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated September 12, 1927
Deutsch has sent Vrieslander’s prospectus of the second Meisterwerk yearbook
to the publisher almost unchanged, despite overlength. — He reports 200 new acquisitions
[for Hoboken's collection], particularly in Mozart, Haydn, and Chopin.
OJ 89/1, [5] Handwritten letter from Schenker to van Hoboken, dated September 13, 1927
Schenker acknowledges OJ 11/54, [17], and discusses the nature of a "prospectus"
and the suitability of Vrieslander's text for that purpose. — He expresses an interest in
Hoboken's latest discoveries, and asks whether the latter could inquire in London as to the
whereabouts of the autograph manuscript of Beethoven's Op. 106.
OC 54/187 Receipt for the imprimatur proof of the second Meisterwerk volume, dated September
27, 1927
Receipt for the imprimatur copy of the second Meisterwerk
OJ 11/54, [19] Handwritten letter from van Hoboken to Schenker, dated September 29, 1927
Van Hoboken reports receipt of Meisterwerk II and reports progress in
photographing manuscripts in London and Paris.
OC 54/188 Typed postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated September 30,
Drei Masken Verlag confirm that the complimentary hardbound copies of the
second Meisterwerk volume are on their way to Schenker, and inform him that the first set of
bound copies will be dispatched from the bindery in the next few days.
OJ 89/1, [6] Handwritten letter from Schenker to van Hoboken, dated October 4, 1927
Schenker thanks van Hoboken [for subventing Yearbook 2], while complaining at
Drei Masken Verlag's failure to send him his author's copies and its lack of honesty; he praises
Hoboken for his collection and service to mankind.
OJ 10/3, [69] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 6,
Deutsch regrets that Drei Masken Verlag has not yet sent Schenker his
complimentary copies [of the second Meisterwerk yearbook]; they will send an invoice for the
production costs. Hoboken ought to receive an honor from the Austrian state only after the
Photogrammarchiv is up and running. Deutsch has much to show Schenker from the first
editions of Beethoven sonatas. He wants to arrange a time to go through the corrections to
Schubert’s Symphony in B minor.
OJ 10/3, [70] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 11,
Deutsch has seen Otto Vrieslander, who surprisingly did not mention the recent
publication of his songs. He explains how different early print-runs of Beethoven’s works
may display telling differences, and how parallel publications in different cities could
sometimes show changes attributable to the composer (as is typically found in
OJ 10/3, [71] Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 15,
Deutsch accepts an invitation to the Schenkers on Wednesday, October 19. –
Drei Masken Verlag have told him that they have already paid Schenker’s honorarium and sent
him complementary copies [of the second Meisterwerk yearbook] in January and that the second
payment came to him from their branch in Vienna. – He has been working on a Beethoven
catalogue but must now turn his attention to Mozart, and then to Schubert.
OJ 89/2, [6] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated June 22, 1928
With thanks for birthday greetings, Schenker expresses how highly he values the
Photogrammarchiv while endorsing van Hoboken's turning down of an "honor" that he was offered. —
Schenker has, at Einstein's request, updated his entry in Riemann's Musiklexikon. — With the
success of the Urlinie through Der Tonwille, he no longer considers himself isolated.
WSLB-Hds 191.563 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated June 22, 1928
Schenker thanks Deutsch for his birthday greetings, explaining that,
although he feels alienated from the musical world of the present day, he is
convinced that his work will have a lasting effect on future
OJ 10/3, [103] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 11, 1929
Deutsch gives Schenker a detailed, comprehensive account of how his royalties
on the sale of the third Meisterwerk yearbook are based.
OC 54/194 Typed letter from Drei Masken Verlag, dated November 20, 1929
Invitation to Leon Feuchtwanger's public reading entitled 'From unpublished
OJ 14/45, [81] Handwritten letter from Violin to Schenker, dated December 19, 1929
Violin has two possible publishers for the "Eroica" monograph. One of these he
names as Rather in Leipzig, which has recently bought up Simrock. The other, Breitkopf &
Härtel, has been suggested by Furtwängler, who believes that the proposal would be supported
by Karl Straube. Violin also considers the possibility replying to a recent article by
OJ 10/3, [123] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated April 1, 1930
Deutsch suggests that Schenker should get Breitkopf & Härtel to publish
his study of the "Eroica" symphony, on a commission basis. -- He thinks that Hoboken will
continue to study theory with Schenker while he improves his piano technique in Berlin. --
He has found a published version of Beethoven’s song "Neue Liebe, neues Leben," which
predates its publication in Op. 75 by about three years, and asks Schenker to compare the
two version with a sketch from 1798 that was published by Nottebohm.
OJ 14/5, [34] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated May 21,
Moriz Schenker begs Heinrich not to be impatient about repayment of the
balance on his investment, citing care for his former wife [recently bereaved] as one of his
OC 54/224 Typed Letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Otto Erich Deutsch, dated May 22,
Drei Masken Verlag confirm that they are willing to embark on the publication
of the third Meisterwerk volume, and request further information about the print
OC 54/225 Typed Letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Otto Erich Deutsch, dated May 27,
Drei Masken Verlag will draw up an estimate for the production costs of the
third Meisterwerk volume following receipt of the manuscript.
OC 54/303 Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated May 30, 1930
Schenker is advised to visit the lithographer Karl Piller concerning the
preparation of his music examples and illustrations [for the Eroica monograph]. Deutsch will
write immediately to Drei Masken Verlag about the type of paper to be used.
OC 54/226 Typed Letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Otto Erich Deutsch, dated June 2,
Drei Masken Verlag advise Deutsch to contact Elbemühl A.G. concerning the
supply of paper for the third Meisterwerk volume.
OJ 10/3, [129] Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 6, 1930
Deutsch has discussed the printing of the music illustrations for Schenker’s
"Eroica" monograph with the lithographers Elbemühl. He hopes that Georg Tomay will complete
his calligraphic work before Schenker leaves for Galtür.
OJ 10/3, [130] Handwritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 7, 1930
Deutsch comments on the Beethoven military march (tattoo) he came across; he
is still looking for an arranger for Schubert’s marches for piano.
OC 54/227 Typed Postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Otto Erich Deutsch, dated June 10,
Drei Masken Verlag ask Deutsch to forward the manuscript of the third
Meisterwerk yearbook to Elbemühl, in order to allow them to produce a more precise
OC 54/304 Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 10, 1930
Deutsch returns a letter from Furtwängler; he finds Vrieslander’s essay about
Schenker difficult to read. He advises him to proceed with the printing of his essay on the
"Eroica" Symphony, even if it proves possible for another publisher to take it over at a
late stage. He is still looking for someone to arrange Schubert’s piano-duet marches [for
orchestra or wind band].
OC 54/305 Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 19, 1930
A new print of works by C. P. E. Bach has arrived at Hoboken’s; Deutsch would
like Schenker to look at it. -- He advises Schenker to make corrections to Tomay’s
calligraphy [of the voice-leading graphs] as soon as they are ready, and not to wait until
September, if the "Eroica" monograph is to be published by the end of the
OC 54/299-300 Handwritten letter from Furtwängler to Schenker, June 26, 1930
Furtwängler reports on his meeting with Breitkopf &
OC 54/307 Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated June 27, 1930
Deutsch has been in touch with the production team and the publishers of the
third Meisterwerk yearbook and transmits to Schenker the estimated costs of producing the
book, including details of text printing, lithography and paper. -- In a postscript, he
offers to help with the proof corrections of the text.
OC 54/310 Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 4, 1930
Deutsch gives further details of the production costs for the third
Meisterwerk yearbook and makes some recommendations, including the printing of the
Urlinie-Tafeln of the "Eroica" as a booklet, not as loose pages.
OC 54/311 Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 14, 1930
Deutsch sends Schenker the contract from Drei Masken Verlag for the third
Meisterwerk yearbook, and asks him to sign it and return it to the publishers. He thinks
that an edition of the [collected] works of C. P. E. Bach is a worthy cause. He hopes that
Hoboken will soon receive the new honor from the Austrian government, for services to
OC 54/228 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated July 18,
Drei Masken Verlag acknowledge the receipt of Schenker’s signed contract for
the third Meisterwerk yearbook.
OC 54/229 Telegram from Drei Masken Verlag to Schenker, dated July 22, 1930
Telegram confirming receipt of the manuscript for Das Meisterwerk vol.
OC 54/230 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated July 24,
Drei Masken Verlag acknowledge receipt of the manuscript of the third
Meisterwerk yearbook; Schenker will shortly receive the galley-proofs and is asked to return
them with corrections as quickly as possible.
OC 54/231 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated July 25,
Drei Masken Verlag report that Röder (Leipzig) has received the manuscript of
the third Meisterwerk yearbook. They enclose a typography sample, and some samples for the
paper cover, for which they have tried to match the color of the cloth bindings of the first
two yearbooks.
OC 54/315 Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 30, 1930
Deutsch makes further reports on the anticipated costs of the third
Meisterwerk yearbook. -- He has come across an arrangement of Beethoven’s Op. 74 Quartet as
a symphony and found some important early editions of the Op. 22 Sonata. -- He would like
Schenker to meet his friend [Leopold] Liegler, whose theories about literature resonate with
the concept of Urlinie.
OC 54/232 Typewritten letter from Drei Masken Verlag to Schenker, dated August 2,
Drei Masken Verlag is sending further samples for the paper binding for the
third Meisterwerk yearbook and asks Schenker to approve the texture and choose a
OC 54/235 Typewritten postcard from Drei Masken Verlag to Deutsch, dated August 30, 1930,
forwarded to Schenker September 2, 1930
Drei Masken Verlag asks for clarification about what to do with the corrected
galley-proofs they have recently received from Schenker; Deutsch forwards it to Schenker
asking him to reply direct to the publisher.
WSLB-Hds 191.569 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Deutsch, dated September 10, 1930
Schenker requests a meeting with Deutsch and Robert Haas. -- The
page-proofs for the third Meisterwerk yearbook will arrive soon. -- Schenker will
also look at the early edition of Beethoven’s Sonata Op. 22, recently acquired by
Hoboken, and discuss any outstanding matters between them then.
OC 54/237 Typewritten letter from Drei Masken Verlag to Schenker, dated October 8,
Drei Masken Verlag say the printers cannot be held responsible for mistakes in
the page-proofs and layout of the third Meisterwerk yearbook that Schenker failed to note in
the galley-proofs. A new set of page-proofs will be issued, and the last section of the book
will be repaginated.
OC 54/325 Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 11, 1930
Deutsch explains to Schenker which proof corrections may be the author’s
responsibility, and which the printer’s or publisher’s, and advises him to write back to the
publisher but not to get unduly upset about these matters.
WSLB-Hds 191.570 Letter from Schenker to Deutsch in Jeanette Schenker’s hand, dated October 12,
Schenker will follow all of Deutsch’s recent suggestions regarding the
page formatting of the third Meisterwerk yearbook, for which he is most grateful. --
He then launches a further attack upon Anthony van Hoboken’s
OC 54/326 Typewritten picture postcard from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 12,
Deutsch explains to Schenker that it is a publisher’s duty to contact an
author in the event of some possible errors, especially of a technical nature, even if it
has not actually financed the work itself.
OC 54/238 Typewritten letter from Drei Masken Verlag to Schenker, dated October 14,
Drei Masken Verlag confirms that the printers should not be held responsible
for changes that were not indicated in the galley proofs. They will send printouts of the
music examples and Urlinie pages in a few days; Schenker is asked to approve the way in
which they are bound and inserted into the yearbook.
OC 54/239 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated October 14,
Drei Masken Verlag correct a mistake in the wording of a previous letter. They
will forward Schenker’s instructions regarding the music illustrations to the
WSLB-Hds 191.571 Letter from Schenker to Deutsch, in Jeanette Schenker’s hand, dated October
17, 1930
Enclosing two recent letters from Drei Masken Verlag, Schenker asks
Deutsch’s advice on what further action to take, if any. His doctor has pronounced
him fit.
OC 54/328 Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated October 19, 1930
Deutsch suggests a way of placing the loose music illustrations and the bound
graphs of the Urlinien inside the third Meisterwerk yearbook. He invites the Schenkers for a
visit soon, perhaps on Friday, October 24.
OC 54/245 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated October 30,
Drei Masken Verlag explain how the ribbon holding the Urlinie graphs and music
illustrations at the back of the third Meisterwerk yearbook can be improved, at a slightly
greater cost.
OC 54/247 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated November 7,
Because of the changes made to them, an additional printing of the Urlinie
graphs seems advisable; Schenker is asked to approve these. Overall, the cost of producing
the third Meisterwerk yearbook will be greater than the initial estimate.
OC 54/248 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated November 12,
The publishers will keep all the negotiations over the production costs of the
third Meisterwerk yearbook confidential.
OC 54/249 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated November 14,
Drei Masken Verlag apologize for an error in the calculation of the production
costs of the third Meisterwerk yearbook, and set out a table of revised
OC 54/250 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated November 25,
Drei Masken Verlag are still awaiting the music illustrations for the third
Meisterwerk yearbook which have been authorized for publication, and ask Schenker to urge
Tomay to send these very quickly
OC 54/332 Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated November 26, 1930
Deutsch thinks that the invoice for the printing and production of the third
Meisterwerk yearbook is reasonable, and that Drei Masken Verlag had underestimated the costs
earlier in the summer. He advises on sellling price to ask for.
OC 54/251 Typewritten postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated November 28,
The printers C. G. Röder have still not received the approved copy of the
musical illustrations, and the publishers ask Schenker to provide the exact Berlin address
at which Hans Weisse will deliver his forthcoming lecture.
OC 54/252 Typewritten postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated December 1,
The publishers are relieved to hear that Weisse’s lecture has been postponed,
and that there may still be time to have the music illustrations for the third Meisterwerk
yearbook sent to Berlin in time for it.
OC 54/253 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated December 13,
Drei Masken Verlag have set the retail price of the third Meisterwerk yearbook
at 10 Marks. -- Since Schenker and Deutsch have significantly underestimated the scope of
both the text and the notational sections of the work, DMV is unable to shoulder the
production costs and makes a proposal as to how these should be paid by March
OC 54/254 Typewritten letter from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated December 16,
Drei Masken Verlag submit Röder's invoice for its work on the third
Meisterwerk yearbook, amounting to 3,041.15 Marks.
OC 54/256 Typewritten postcard from August Demblin (DMV) to Schenker, dated December 17,
Drei Masken Verlag inform Schenker that distribution of the third Meisterwerk
yearbook began several days ago, and that copies were supplied to Berlin in time for Hans
Weisse's lecture.
OJ 10/3, [135] Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated December 25, 1930
Deutsch’s son Peter has broken a leg ice-skating. He is devastated by the news
of Hoboken’s withdrawal of support for the C. P. E. Bach collected edition). He will discuss
the terms [of payment] regarding the third Meisterwerk yearbook in person, and advises that
review copies be sent out in January.
OJ 15/15, [53] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated December 27, 1930
Weisse thanks Schenker for his support; he has sent off the manuscripts (of
his lectures) to Drei Masken Verlag. He commends his teacher for the clarity of the
analytical graphing of the "Eroica" Symphony.
OJ 15/16, [66] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated January 8, 1931
Hearing that Schenker expects to complete Der freie Satz by early spring,
Weisse encourages his teacher to work systematically and unhurriedly at it. He reports on
Alfred Einstein’s defense of Schenker’s theories against Arnold Schering, and on a review of
a recent book on the Ninth Symphony in which the reviewer, Alfred Lorenz, sided with the
author against Schenker.
OJ 6/8, [1] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Violin, dated January 9, 1931
In this long and wide-ranging two-part letter, which includes a graphic
analysis of J. S. Bach’s Two-part Invention in E-flat major, Schenker praises the work of
Hans Weisse, who has recently returned from lecturing in Berlin and may be offered a post
there (on Furtwängler’s recommendation), emigrate to America (with the help of Gerald
Warburg), or even found an institute that would give employment to Felix Salzer and other
Schenkerian disciples under one roof. — A letter from Violin, which has just arrived in the
morning post, speaks of Violin’s own intention to establish a Schenker Institute in Hamburg.
For this, Schenker recommends Felix-Eberhard von Cube (in preference to Reinhard Oppel) and
Otto Vrieslander as possible theory teachers, if not Weisse himself. — The letter concludes
with a tirade against those who have caused him financial misery (including his brother
Mozio), culminating in a cynical passage in which Schenker advises his friend to look after
himself and engage some dull pedagog to teach conventional theory. In the end, he wishes
Violin luck with the enterprise, and thanks him for having helped rescue him from Hertzka’s
OJ 10/3, [137] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated January 24, 1931
Deutsch is sorry not to be able to meet with Schenker and Felix Salzer. — He
is concerned that others may think that he had a part to play in Hoboken’s withdrawing his
financial support for a collected edition of C. P. E. Bach’s works.
OJ 5/30, [1a] Handwritten draft letter from Schenker to Preetorius, undated [February 12–13,
Schenker draws Preetorius's attention to part of Meisterwerk III, and
invites him to consider his (Schenker's) theory of coherence in music as a basis for
that in other arts, hence unity among the arts. -- He envisions a "club" of artists
to discuss these matters.
WSLB-Hds 94479 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Seligmann, dated February 26, 1931
Schenker asks Seligmann to read the opening essay in the third volume of Das
Meisterwerk in der Musik. He quotes from a letter to his pupil Hans Weisse which
demonstrates the attention his theories have been gaining in Germany, especially Berlin, and
expresses his regret that no one in Vienna shows similar respect for him.
OJ 15/16, [71] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated March 25, 1931
Weisse, remaining confident that Furtwängler will provide financial assistance
with Schenker’s publications, thinks it is best to ask for help with the “Eroica” analysis
(Meisterwerk III) and Der freie Satz together; he will emphasize that the subvention for the
“Eroica” is the more urgent, and the cost of publishing the latter could be met by
subscription. From what Furtwängler has hinted, the prospects for Weisse lecturing, and
eventually teaching, in Berlin are not good; but Weisse may have other
OJ 10/3, [151] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 29, 1931
Deutsch reports illness in his family over the summer. -- He is glad to see
Schenker’s article on the lost Mozart letter in print, and mentions other places in which it
was reproduced. He has made some discoveries about Lord Horatio Nelson and Haydn, which
have, however, been misrepresented in the press.
OJ 10/3, [152] Typewritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated August 19, 1931
Replying to Schenker’s recent letter and postcard, Deutsch says that he will
be out of the country in the first half of September (travelling with a choir). He is
delighted with the recent review [of the third Meisterwerk yearbook], and is always happy to
see Schenker’s work praised. His wife and family have now recovered from illnesses. He is
still awaiting a letter from Drei Masken Verlag.
OJ 10/3, [174] Handwritten letter from Deutsch to Schenker, dated July 21, 1932
Deutsch advises Schenker on the wording and placement of an advertisement for
a private seminar in music theory, to be inaugurated in the autumn of 1932. He notes that
Tomay’s invoice for the autography of the Fünf Urlinie-Tafeln was considerably lower than
what was originally estimated. He regrets having to decline an invitation to visit Schenker
during the summer.
OC 30/18-30 Draft letter from Schenker to Albert Einstein, undated [November 20,
In this unsent letter, Schenker tells Einstein about his works and the
difficulties he has encountered in promoting them, and calls upon the physicist for help in
gaining financial support for the publication of Free Composition.
OJ 5/18, 23 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Jonas, dated February 7, 1933
Schenker returns four essays with praise. Salzer is informed that the price
for Jonas's Einführung has been set too high; Schenker advises caution with
OJ 89/6, [3] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hoboken, dated February 17, 1933
Congratulating Hoboken on his forthcoming marriage to Frl. Boy, Schenker
reports that Kalmus is playing a devious financial game over Oktaven u. Quinten (which is in
press) and Der freie Satz (which he thinks will take two years to publish) that may yet see
the latter revert to Cotta. — He speaks of Marx's naiveté over the proposed school version
of Harmonielehre. — He reports on the remaining stocks of Das Meisterwerk in der
OJ 11/32, [17] Typewritten letter from Robert Haas to Schenker, dated September 20, 1933
Haas promises to have the Griesinger Haydn book delivered, and mentions
several other matters.