DLA 69.930/2 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, dated January 17, 1918
Schenker has received Halm's article about him, and expresses his appreciation.
Schenker's mother died in December 1917; he looked after her and his siblings from the time his
father died [1887]. Addresses a reservation on Halm's part—speaking to him as "leader to
leader"—and confirms his concept of the Volk. Schenker has a plan to put to Halm.
DLA 69.930/3 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, dated February 7, 1918
Schenker writes scathingly of UE's business practices; describes his
counter-tactics, and his experiences over Niloff, Instrumentations-Tabelle. He will read all of
Halm's writings and asks for a reading-list
DLA 69.930/4 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Halm, dated December 9, 1918
Schenker recounts to Halm how Sofie Deutsch had set up a trust for needy artists,
leaving Schenker to identify beneficiaries. Schenker offers to transfer 1,600 Kroner to him from
this trust.
DLA 69.930/5 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Halm, dated December 16, 1918
Schenker holds out prospect of payment [from a trust that he administers] via the
bank being authorized.
DLA 69.930/6 Printed/typed bank authorization to Halm, dated December 28, 1918
856 Marks transferred to Halm.
OC 1 B/34r Handwritten draft letter from Schenker to Türkel, dated February 24, 1918
Schenker addresses legal obstructions regarding Sofie Deutsch's will, and
threatens to go back on an earlier disclaimer if he continues to be deprived of the inheritance
due to him; notifies Türkel that he has already paid out the first stipend, to Otto Vrieslander,
and has promised the second and third to two composers (unnamed).
OC 52/203 Typed letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated February 5, 1918
Hertzka acknowledges WSLB 292 and apologizes for late reply; he knows nothing of
August Halm's request for review copies of Schenker's other works, but has ordered a complete
set to be sent to him.
OC 52/204 Postal receipt for postcard from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated February 5,
postal receipt for registered postcard WSLB 293 from Schenker to Hertzka
OC 52/205 Typed letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated April 10, 1918
Hertzka returns the Bekker review with thanks, and reflects on Schenker's remarks
concerning Urtext editions; he encloses the requested copy of the Gazette de Lausanne.
OC 52/206 Typed postcard from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated April 18, 1918
Hertzka acknowledges return of Gazette de Lausanne article and concurs with
Schenker's view on editing.
OC 52/559 Typed letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated March 5, 1918
Hertzka will inquire about a review published in Lausanne; has dispatched Op. 111
to Steglich and encloses invoice and payment order; in light of Brest-Litovsk, he inquires about
Kontrapunkt2 and the Kleine Bibibliothek.
OJ 10/1, [33] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated June 15, 1918
Dahms sends 50th birthday wishes [and encloses a published article].
OJ 10/1, [34] Handwritten letter from Dahms to Schenker, dated July 29, 1918
Dahms thanks Schenker for his long letter; reports on his vacation in Munich and
visit with Vrieslander; he is looking forward to studying with Schenker in Vienna.
OJ 10/1, [35] Handwritten postcard from Dahms to Schenker, dated December 13, 1918
Dahms and his wife have moved to Wasserburg, and he is beginning work again.
OJ 11/17, [3] Printed funeral notice for Eduard Gärtner to Schenker, dated July 2, 1918
Announces death and date and time of funeral of Eduard Gärtner.
OJ 11/30, [1] Handwritten postcard from Wilibald Gurlitt to Schenker, dated October 7,
Gurlitt expresses admiration for Schenker's Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie, and
inquires whether his "Formenlehre" or "Kunst des Vortrags" has yet been published.
OJ 11/35, 10 Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated December 14, 1918
Halm thanks Schenker for assistance over stipend; asks if Schenker has received
compositions sent to him; Halm's post-War prospects may be better.
OJ 11/35, 7 Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated January 20, 1918
Acknowledges DLA 69.930/2, January 17, 1918. Schenker has accused him of a
contradiction, and he concedes it, referring to several of his publications. UE has not
responded to his request for review copies of Schenker's works, so suggests a reciprocal
OJ 11/35, 8 Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated February 12, 1918
Halm acknowledges receipt of item from Schenker's publisher, and plans to
reciprocate, but has little time in which to order items. Copies of his essay about Schenker
have been misdirected.
OJ 11/35, 9c Handwritten postcard from Halm to Schenker, dated December 13, 1918
Halm acknowledges DLA 69.930/4 and help, and promises to write soon.
OJ 11/35, [10a] Handwritten letter from Halm to Schenker, dated December 31, 1918
Halm acknowledges DLA 69.930/6; asks for payment to be made to his Esslingen bank
a/c; comments on effects of currency changes; refers to assistance offered by Schenker.
OJ 12/9, [22] Handwritten postcard from Karpath to Schenker, dated July 18, 1918
Karpath regrets that Schenker's letter came too late, and he was unable to act on
OJ 12/9, [23] Typewritten letter from Karpath to Schenker, dated July 28, 1918
Karpath contests Schenker's argument that failing to write an obituary for Eduard
Gärtner was a neglect of duty, defends the position of the music critic, and draws attention to
a commemorative article on Gärtner.
OJ 14/23, [19] Printed card of thanks from Adalbert Seligmann, dated April [29], 1918
A printed message thanking well-wishers for their sympathy.
OJ 14/33, [3] Handwritten letter from Steglich to Schenker, dated February 15, 1918
Steglich accepts Schenker's offer of a copy of the Op. 111 Erläuterungsausgabe;
he is a Riemann pupil, and has a keen interest in analyses.
OJ 14/33, [4] Handwritten field postcard from Steglich to Schenker, dated March 25, 1918
Steglich, on the battlefront in the Ukraine, acknowledges receipt of Schenker's
Erläuterungsausgabe Op. 111, and hopes to study it when things are quieter.
OJ 14/33, [5] Handwritten letter from Steglich to Schenker, dated July 22, 1918
Steglich has studied the Op. 111 Erläuterungsausgabe. Rejecting the polemic as
redundant, he makes detailed suggestions concerning the relationship of the Arietta to the coda
of the first movement.
OJ 14/37, [3] Handwritten letter from Paula Szalit to Schenker, dated November 9, 1918
Paula Szalit describes her desire to return to the concert and teaching
worlds, and asks for a consultation.
OJ 14/40, [1a] Typed letter from Türkel to Schenker, dated December 27, 1918
Acknowledges letter of December 25, 1918 [not surviving]; Türkel distances
himself from Schenker's recent actions [over stipends]; Schenker cannot count on restitution of
money overspent; these matters have nothing to do with Türkel or the Deutsch estate. Encloses[?]
copy of earlier "disclaimer" [= OJ 14/40, [1b]].
OJ 14/40, [1b] Typewritten declaration by Schenker, undated [December 27, 1918]
Schenker cedes the amount of the legacy left him in Sofie Deutsch's will against
the previously awarded sum of 10,000 Marks.
OJ 14/45, [10] Handwritten letter from Moriz Violin to Heinrich Schenker, dated February 5,
Schenker, Violin alleges, has accused him of a dearth of subject matter in letter
writing; Violin defends himself on grounds that his life has been disrupted by military service
and the impact of that on his physical and mental state. He accuses Schenker of insensitivity,
and treating him like his pupils. He defends his wife for giving food to the Schenkers, and
explains her motivation for so doing.
OJ 14/4, [1] Telegram from Hans Guttman to Heinrich Schenker, dated November 29, 1918
Hans Guttmann enquires after the whereabouts of Moriz Schenker.
OJ 14/5, [10] Handwritten lettercard from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated September 15,
Moriz Schenker found Schenker not at home; can come Thursday; Heinrich's money is
available for collection.
OJ 14/5, [4] Handwritten picture postcard from employee of the Austrian Provincial Bank to Heinrich
Schenker, dated June 19, 1918
Schenker's letter has been forwarded to Moriz Schenker.
OJ 14/5, [5] Handwritten postcard from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated July 22,
Moriz Schenker has received Heinrich's letter and will visit him in a few days'
OJ 14/5, [6] Handwritten fieldpostcard from Moriz Schenker and Hans Guttmann to Heinrich Schenker,
dated August 8, 1918
Moriz Schenker regrets not having spoken to Heinrich but hopes to be in Vienna
again soon; he has Hans Guttmann staying, and has written to Sophie Guttmann; note by Hans
OJ 14/5, [7] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Heinrich Schenker, dated August 28,
Moriz Schenker reports that he has received a letter from Sophie and Salo
Guttmann; he has dispatched flour to Heinrich's Vienna address; he will be in Vienna soon and
hopes to call on Heinrich.
OJ 14/5, [8] Handwritten letter from Moriz Schenker to Sophie and Salo Guttmann, dated August 28,
Moriz Schenker promises Sophie and Salo Guttmann that he will help them by
writing to a senior official and guaranteeing their war loan, and asks for details. — He will be
traveling on business and hopes to see Hans Guttmann and Heinrich Schenker.
OJ 15/15, [5] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated April 20, 1918
Weisse apologizes for not having written recently, expresses his frustration that
the war continues.
OJ 15/15, [6] Handwritten postcard from Weisse to Schenker, dated May 27, 1918
Weisse, on three-month leave (June-August 1918) to finish work towards his
doctoral degree, asks Schenker for tuition in counterpoint and thoroughbass.
OJ 15/16, [32] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated January 2, 1918
Weisse, in a fieldpost letter, writing in Sütterlinschrift, copies out a passage
from Goethe quoted in Chamberlain's "Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts," and informs
Schenker of his imminent change of address.
OJ 15/16, [33] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated February 18, 1918
Weisse apologizes profusely for not having paid his condolences to Schenker upon
the death of his mother.
OJ 15/16, [34] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated February 26, 1918
Weisse expresses his concerns about a proposed Festschrift in celebration of
Schenker's fiftieth birthday, fearing that the work will be written largely by eminent people
and journalists who have little knowledge of his teaching and so will not do justice to him as a
theorist; asks Schenker for his own opinion of the matter.
OJ 15/16, [35] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated May 5, 1918
Weisse reports his renewed interest in counterpoint through the rereading of the
first volume of Schenker's Kontrapunkt; he has also come across Bussler's Freier Satz and has
heard mainly positive things about Ernst Kurth's Linearer Kontrapunkt, a book which he will
order and report on to his teacher.
OJ 15/16, [36] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated September 30, 1918
Still in military service, Weisse asks Schenker for advice regarding the
interpretation of the ritardandos in the first movement of Beethoven's Eighth Symphony.
OJ 15/16, [37] Handwritten letter from Weisse to Schenker, dated December 24, 1918
Weisse sends Schenker a volume [Handel keyboard works] as a Christmas present.
OJ 15/34, [3] Handwritten letter from Viktor Zuckerkandl to Schenker, dated January 14,
Acknowledges one postcard; the other reaches him while writing the letter.
Reports and comments on article by Hans Friedrich in Der Merker. Remarks on the nature of
hatred, national and personal, in wartime.
OJ 15/5, [1] Handwritten letter from Eberhard von Waechter to Schenker, dated August 21,
Waechter asks for a copy of Schenker's Kontrapunkt 2, because he is making a
critique of the Neue Musuikalische Theorien und Phantasien; he requests an article for Das Neue
Oesterreich from Schenker, and hopes for regular contributions in future.
OJ 15/5, [2] Handwritten letter from Eberhard von Waechter to Schenker, dated September 17,
Waechter tries again to elicit contributions from Schenker to Das Neue
Oesterreich, and asks Schenker's opinion on an analysis of a Schubert song. Schenker's
honorarium for lessons is too high.
OJ 5/18, [A] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated October 31, 1918
Lesson time set.
OJ 5/18, [B] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated November 12, 1918
Change of lesson time.
OJ 5/38, [1] Handwritten letter from Heinrich Schenker & Jeanette Kornfeld to Wilhelm
Schenker, dated January 24, 1918
Heinrich commiserates with Wilhelm and Dodi over the children havng mumps. --
He discusses the eventuality that Wilhelm and family might decide to leave Kautzen, and
weighs the practicalities of transferring Julia Schenker's grave from Waidhofen to Vienna,
and possible consequences for his own and Jeanette's burials and Moriz Schenker's financial
involvement. -- He also discusses the possibility that Vienna might become too threatening
for Jews; he deplores Viennese people of all ranks for their verbal abuse toward Germany,
and the strikes that are currently taking place in Austria. -- Jeanette adds a
OJ 5/38, [2] Handwritten letter from Heinrich Schenker and Jeanette Kornfeld to Wilhelm and Dodi
Schenker, dated February 5, 1918
Heinrich relays back the price of transferring Julia Schenker's body from
Waidhofen to Vienna, and would hope to get a discount on that price via the Jewish Religious
Community. He reports on the planned Festschrift for his 50th birthday, and his current troubles
with UE. Jeanette characterizes their life as "farcical," and asks Dodi's advice in obtaining
twine for repairing shirts. She comments on the Versailles Council of War as confirming
Heinrich's warnings.
OJ 5/38, [2a] Handwritten postcard from Heinrich to Wilhelm Schenker, dated December 1,
Schenker thanks his brother Wilhelm for the promise of lard; he bemoans the
present state of affairs, in which Germany will be enslaved by the rest of the European
OJ 5/43, [1] Handwritten draft letter from Schenker to Eberhard von Waechter, dated September 28,
Schenker thanks Waechter for sending some of his work and praises it for being on
the right path toward genius; he questions musical education and existing music periodicals.
OJ 6/6, [6] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated February 17, 1918
Schenker warns Violin to expect a letter from Vrieslander concerning a
contribution to a Festschrift for Schenker's 50th birthday, and then airs a number of grievances
against Moriz and Valerie concerning jars of jam, Sunday visits, and insufficient food.
OJ 6/6, [7] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated March 20, 1918
[50th Festschrift:] Schenker intends not to influence anyone in their decision to
contribute or not. — [Personal issues:] Schenker agrees to draw a line under issues discussed in
OJ 6/6, [6]; however, he accounts for his epistolary silence regarding Valerie Violin, including
the possible contact with Seligmann; he attempts to explain the matter of the jars of jam and
the absence of visits to Schönbrunn, describing vividly how tirelessly Jeanette works and how
dependent they both are on Sunday for work time; he expresses outrage that he and Jeanette live
so poorly while his pupils live lives of luxury, commenting bitterly on state of play over the
Sofie Deutsch stipend; he wishes the Violins well for their 6-month stay in Marburg.
OJ 6/6, [8] Handwritten letter from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated November 9, 1918
Schenker reports news from Russia, Austria, Switzerland, and Poland, and comments
on the current political situation.
OJ 8/3, [55] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Valerie Violin, dated January 6, 1918
Schenker recounts explosion of gas oven and subsequent activities. Jeanette has
transferred things to her apartment and stayed up late to help.
OJ 8/3, [56] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated January 31, 1918
Schenker inquires as to the price of a jar of jam that Valerie Violin brought him
and lays down a "no presents" rule; reports Halm's difficulties in obtaining copies of
Schenker's works from UE.
OJ 8/3, [57] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated April 7, 1918
Schenker has implemented the increase in fee, for his pupils, and describes how
intolerable life is in Vienna; -- is trying with dificulty to book summer lodgings; -- reports
Weisse's declining of the invitation to contribute to the Schenker Festschrift; -- he is working
hard on his library.
OJ 8/3, [58] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated April 13, 1918
Schenker reports on Kufferath's article in the Gazette de Lausanne discussing the
polemical materials in Die letzten fünf Sonaten ... op. 111, and on the treasonous stance of the
OJ 8/3, [59] Handwritten postcard from Heinrich Schenker and Jeanette Kornfeld to Moriz Violin,
dated May 13, 1918
Schenker thanks Moriz Violin for an address; reports on planned visit to his
brother Wilhelm Schenker, and food promised by him and items sent by Felix Hupka; Heinrich and
Jeanette expect to spend the summer in Vienna.
OJ 8/3, [60] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated July 28, 1918
Comments on the death of Fritz Wahle and the illness of Eduard Gärtner; is trying
to negotiate the summer in the Tyrol, but may not succeed; congratulates Violin.
OJ 8/3, [61] Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Moriz Violin, dated August 21, 1918
The Schenkers went to Mariazell on the 16th for a work-free vacation. - -
Schenker has had difficulties with Wilhelm and Moriz Schenker. - - He describes visit to Hupka
in Kapuvár (Hungary). - - Comments on Violin's forthcoming promotion to Lieutenant.
OJ 9/32, [37] Printed and handwritten letter from Cotta to Schenker, dated September 1,
Payment advice note for sales 1917.
WSLB 292 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated January 30, 1918
Schenker complains that Halm's request to receive review copies of others of his
works has been ignored by UE, threatens to pay for them himself, and asks to be notified when
they are dispatched.
WSLB 293 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated February 5, 1918
Schenker renews his request of January 30 that review copies be sent to
WSLB 294 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated February 23, 1918
Requests a copy of Op. 111 to be sent to Rudolf Steglich.
WSLB 295 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated March 3, 1918
Schenker notifies Hertzka of an unfavorable review of the Beethoven edition in
Lausanne, and asks to see it.
WSLB 296 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated March 8, 1918
Schenker thanks Hertzka for dispatching Op. 111 to Steglich, but baulks at paying
the specified amount and sends less. -- Must finish Kontrapunkt 2 and will then return to the
Kleine Bibliothek.
WSLB 297 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated April 9, 1918
Schenker encloses a review by Bekker and comments adversely.
WSLB 298 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated April 17, 1918
Schenker returns the article by Maurice Kufferath and comments on it critically.
-- Beethoven did give phrase-markings, thus Schenker advocates inserting fingering but not
additional phrase-marks. -- Diatribe against Hans von Bülow's editions and those who have
emulated him.
WSLB 299 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated October 17, 1918
Schenker thanks Hertzka for forwarding to him a postcard from Wilibald Gurlitt,
and asks advice on how to address his reply.
WSLB 300 Handwritten letter from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated October 25, 1918
Schenker encloses his letter to Gurlitt and asks Hertzka to arrange for it to be
WSLB 301 Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Hertzka (UE), dated December 22, 1918
Schenker asks for a copy of his Neunte Sinfonie to be sent to Bernhard Seidmann.